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Farage bottles it?


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C'mon guys, dumb up. Do you think if Farage and UKIP were really racist, that they'd be all over the BBC and the other mainstream media, or that they'd get such mass support ? The BBC wouldn't go anywhere near them if they even suspected that UKIP were a racist party.


I'm sure that there are a very small minority of racists within UKIP, but the vast majority are ordinary people like you and me, disaffected with the other parties and their leaders. The racism tag is just a stick to beat them with; it makes for lively debate, good television, and it sells newspapers. It also feeds the conceit of the politically correct, and their delusions of superiority and informed political awareness.

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I see the Socialist Workers Party are all over that Twitter feed. A mate of mine is a member and he's encouraging everyone all over his facebook page to get on there and 'Trash the fascists.' Bless, if only he could see the irony in his argument.

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Probably going to be branded a racist now but Farage said he wouldn't like a group of Romanian men living next door to him and I think if most people looked at it they would probably agree, On this Island we are sheltered but go to any city in the UK and there are parts that have been taken over by people who don't want to integrate into British society I was in Glasgow a few months back and most of the big issue sellers were foreigners, immigration has to be tightened at the minute any thief, Murderer or Rapist can pretty much come to Britain the message should be if you want to come to Britain it will be to work hard and contribute, we have enough of our own wasters to deal with.

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No you're not a racist but the limp-wristed, Guardian-reading luvvies will gladly label you one though. However it looks like the patience for such PC attitudes is running thin.


I'm a Grauniad reader and I have no problem at all with Eastern Europeans living next door if they look like the Polish barmaid down t'local.


As I have no idea who to vote for I think I'll go to the polling station and x whoever stands for no traffic wardens, no speed cameras, a reduction in the price of beer and an annual cull of students.


Partners mother has postal voted for UKIP. I suspect the rest of the coffin-dodgers in her McCarthy and Stone apartment block (aka God's Waiting Room) have done similar.


Labour seem to have finally woken up to the fact that the rise of UKIP threatens their electoral base as well. I quite liked their "Vote UKIP and you don't only get policies more extreme than the Tories - you also get David Cameron!" which I sort-of agree with.


It will be interesting to see the council results in the marginal parliamentary wards....

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Probably going to be branded a racist now but Farage said he wouldn't like a group of Romanian men living next door to him and I think if most people looked at it they would probably agree, On this Island we are sheltered but go to any city in the UK and there are parts that have been taken over by people who don't want to integrate into British society I was in Glasgow a few months back and most of the big issue sellers were foreigners, immigration has to be tightened at the minute any thief, Murderer or Rapist can pretty much come to Britain the message should be if you want to come to Britain it will be to work hard and contribute, we have enough of our own wasters to deal with.


I see this all the time in China. Bloody foreigners refusing to integrate, sipping western beer in their western enclaves as they discuss how uncivilised the locals are.


I am pretty sure people the whole world over see the same. There are little Britains all over the world.


"Integrate ?.... Fuck that, we gave the world civilisation. I am here to teach these people by example !!! "


I am sure you have all seen it and heard it :-(


Just as I am sure most posters here have felt superior at a passport control desk, because you have a British passport. I have in the past. Not now though.

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I'm rather disappointed that so few have the ability to see that his entirely negative campaigning is possibly the most damaging thing that the UK has to face at the moment.

The sort of people who express support or tacit support for UKIP are typically semi literate and not particularly bright. Often with a sense of entitlement and a fairly limited world view.
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I'm rather disappointed that so few have the ability to see that his entirely negative campaigning is possibly the most damaging thing that the UK has to face at the moment.

The sort of people who express support or tacit support for UKIP are typically semi literate and not particularly bright. Often with a sense of entitlement and a fairly limited world view.



Citation needed.

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I'm rather disappointed that so few have the ability to see that his entirely negative campaigning is possibly the most damaging thing that the UK has to face at the moment.

The sort of people who express support or tacit support for UKIP are typically semi literate and not particularly bright. Often with a sense of entitlement and a fairly limited world view.

The sort of people who make sweeping generalisations about UKIP voters usually have over-inflated opinions of their own intellect, have a condescending attitude towards others and a fairly narrow life view.

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I'm rather disappointed that so few have the ability to see that his entirely negative campaigning is possibly the most damaging thing that the UK has to face at the moment.

The sort of people who express support or tacit support for UKIP are typically semi literate and not particularly bright. Often with a sense of entitlement and a fairly limited world view.

The sort of people who make sweeping generalisations about UKIP voters usually have over-inflated opinions of their own intellect, have a condescending attitude towards others and a fairly narrow life view.



The long nose of political snobbery.


In fact, that comment of Pongo's insult's most of those dis-affected working-class Labour supporters who've gone over to Ukip because they feel dispossessed and side-lined by the charade that UK politics has become. Ukip fills this ever-increasing gap nicely.

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