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Farage bottles it?


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Citation needed.

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You're quite welcome to go back to reading The Guardian when you've finished sneering at your computer screen.


I do sympathise with you though, it must be horrible sharing a planet with such neanderthals when you're on a different intellectual level. Eurghh..!!

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I'm rather disappointed that so few have the ability to see that his entirely negative campaigning is possibly the most damaging thing that the UK has to face at the moment.

The sort of people who express support or tacit support for UKIP are typically semi literate and not particularly bright. Often with a sense of entitlement and a fairly limited world view.


The sort of people who make sweeping generalisations about UKIP voters usually have over-inflated opinions of their own intellect, have a condescending attitude towards others and a fairly narrow life view.


Posting the very obvious historical reasons for xenophobia / racism are nothing to do with the current rise of UKIP. It's very likely just a straight cut and paste. Pongo trying to look as though after much diligent research has arrived at the above blindingly obvious conclusion. Like they've really thought it through. Which would be a first....

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Posting the very obvious historical reasons for xenophobia / racism are nothing to do with the current rise of UKIP. It's very likely just a straight cut and paste. Pongo trying to look as though after much diligent research has arrived at the above blindingly obvious conclusion. Like they've really thought it through. Which would be a first....

I am not about whether UKIP are racist or xenophobic. I do not particularly have any perspective on that. What I wrote is only based on observation. Eg - specifically this semi-literate thread and similars elsewhere.


FWIW I find Farage quite funny and likeable. Clearly bright. Unlike most of UKIP. He has very little in common with them as he has said in interviews. Most of them do not even share his libertarian politics.

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So who are those who posted on this thread that are semi-literate, not particularly bright, have a sense of entitlement, have a fairly limited world view and are UKIP supporters?


Go ahead and point them out....


PS - thought I should point out you forgot to prefix your post with "In my opinion...."

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Oh sorry. It's just it came across as though you were posting a self evident fact.


Now who are the semi-literate etc etc posters? In your self-evident opinion of course...

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Not exactly "news" though. So according to The Daily Wail a BBC employee just can't hold an opinion and worse publish it on social media?


BBC bashing is a way of life at the appallingly right wing Daily Wail and has been for years. For example IDS announces cutting social security and the Daily Wail headline trumpets "Crackdown on Benefits" because, as every Wail reader knows only too well, those on benefits are all feckless, indolent, workshy, scroungers - because the Daily Wail says they are! The BBC report it factually and add balance as they are supposed to do but it paints a grim picture of dreadful legislation. According to the Wail this telling it like it is confirms the BBC left wing (more importantly anti-tory) bais.


However The Wail doesn't seem to be able to diss the BBC's status as the worlds most trusted media brand.


Funny that...

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The results so far appear to show the country is bursting with semi-literate oiks....


In that sense the poll seems fairly representative. The UKIP does not have, and will never attract, many candidates with credible ability. It has almost no agreed policies and stands for nothing more than an impression of what its supporters are vaguely against. At its centre is an expression of utter negativity.


Farage is the amusing and friendly face of a party which without him stands only for resentment and has almost nothing positive to say. This earthquake has been a self-fulfilling media prophecy also fuelled by years of negative reporting of stories designed to stoke up a bitter reaction. However these apparently significant electoral upsets always turn out be of no lasting significance.

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Bring it on I say. The sad little cheap shots thrown at Farage by the three jokers who purport to be the voice of the rest of the elctrorate are now starting to sound rather hollow. 'Election strategists' will be beavering away in damage limitation mode now while they work out how to win back the voters who are clearly peed off with their lack of any representative polices.

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