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Farage bottles it?


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I expect the UKIP to peak and then decline like all other 4th parties. And I do not see them having much of a post Farage future.


Much though I dislike agreeing with small-minded, pretentious, sneering little snotties a few years ago the BNP were in a similar position to UKIP and promptly sank without trace. The only difference I see this time around is that is UKIP really the 4th party? Thanks to Turncoat Cleggy I suspect the number three shirt is currently available for the right player to step up to the scratch...

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What I don't get is why Nigel Farage's surname is commonly pronounced the way it is. If he really is so anti-Europe then surely it shouldn't be pronounced in a French manner? The moral of the story being that you can't trust any politician.

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Bring it on I say. The sad little cheap shots thrown at Farage by the three jokers who purport to be the voice of the rest of the elctrorate are now starting to sound rather hollow. 'Election strategists' will be beavering away in damage limitation mode now while they work out how to win back the voters who are clearly peed off with their lack of any representative polices.


Why not vote someone out rather than in?


Looks like UKIP are getting the disgruntled voters who are sick of the Big Three's unfulfilled promises.


Makes sense to do it once in a while, Cretney should have experienced the phenomenon years ago.



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I'm rather disappointed that so few have the ability to see that his entirely negative campaigning is possibly the most damaging thing that the UK has to face at the moment.

The sort of people who express support or tacit support for UKIP are typically semi literate and not particularly bright. Often with a sense of entitlement and a fairly limited world view.


Voters nevertheless...


Now watch the greedy, complacent Big Three try to 'buy into' the new system.



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It's about time. The Conservative Party top clique has been ignoring the majority of Conservative voters and its own backbenchers on this issue and the issue of the EU for far too long. Finally they have got the message that they better stop screwing around with us. It's a pity Labour hasn't followed suit, because support for immigration controls and an anti-EU stance should not be a left-wing or a right-wing issue (the left-right paradigm is a false one, anyway). There are plenty of socialists who are against British sovereignty being transferred to unelected "former" communists in a foreign country. Real socialists are against communism, and the EU is communism, as is the idea of open borders.

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It's about time. The Conservative Party top clique has been ignoring the majority of Conservative voters and its own backbenchers on this issue and the issue of the EU for far too long. Finally they have got the message that they better stop screwing around with us. It's a pity Labour hasn't followed suit, because support for immigration controls and an anti-EU stance should not be a left-wing or a right-wing issue (the left-right paradigm is a false one, anyway). There are plenty of socialists who are against British sovereignty being transferred to unelected "former" communists in a foreign country. Real socialists are against communism, and the EU is communism, as is the idea of open borders.

It's taken a good few years but the communists and their long range plan have finally started to make inroads into their great capitalist enemies. America is slowly starting to resemble a basket case, the EUSSR similar and the UK descending that way.

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I'm rather disappointed that so few have the ability to see that his entirely negative campaigning is possibly the most damaging thing that the UK has to face at the moment.

The sort of people who express support or tacit support for UKIP are typically semi literate and not particularly bright. Often with a sense of entitlement and a fairly limited world view.


Voters nevertheless...


Now watch the greedy, complacent Big Three try to 'buy into' the new system.



already happening.lol

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Well it's Farage and UKIP who have had the last laugh.


Mind you turnout was about a third and UKIP got a third of that. Some 10% of the electorate is hardly a mandate. Low turnouts really indicate just how disengaged and disillusioned a lot of folks are with the whole political circus...

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Well it's Farage and UKIP who have had the last laugh.


Mind you turnout was about a third and UKIP got a third of that. Some 10% of the electorate is hardly a mandate. Low turnouts really indicate just how disengaged and disillusioned a lot of folks are with the whole political circus...



It has been this way on the Island for many years.

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Well it's Farage and UKIP who have had the last laugh.


Mind you turnout was about a third and UKIP got a third of that. Some 10% of the electorate is hardly a mandate. Low turnouts really indicate just how disengaged and disillusioned a lot of folks are with the whole political circus...


It has been this way on the Island for many years.

Needs to change.

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Because most people are lower working class and nobody speaks for them anymore. Even Beecroft and Karran have done f all for the people at the bottom. As soon as anyone does speak for the them. they sell out for thirty pieces. The only people represented in Tynwald are the same cliques of people who run everything for themselves and their ilk. What we need are real people to stand for election because so far the evidence would lead us to believe that anyone who seeks public office ought to automatically banned from doing so.

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