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Farage bottles it?


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When the general election comes, I suspect many UKIP voters will drift to the Tories, as they've apparently promised an EU referendum,


I found William Haig's electioneering on Sunday night highly amusing. As the UKIP gains came in he was spouting that "Only the Conservative Party will give you a referendum on the EU" but unfortunately he forgot to add "well, as long as we get an outright majority at the next election that is..."


Just how gullible do they think the electorate are? Mind you, with the circulation figures of The Sun, The Wail, The Excess, The Torygraph etc etc maybe they've actually got it nailed...

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You look at the leaders of the main parties and you struggle to find a reason to vote for them. Whether you like him or not at least farage and his party are bringing topics that need discussed to the forefront and may make the leaders of the main parties get up and do something

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  • 2 weeks later...

Nigel Farage, the leader of the United Kingdom Independence Party, is coming to the island in November. He will be speaking at the Gaiety Theatre in Douglas at an event organised by the Sporting and Dining Club.


Another publication that uses a crap photo of him. http://www.iomtoday.co.im/what-s-on/manx-entertainment-news/farage-to-speak-at-event-at-the-gaiety-1-6675596

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The dirty tricks brigade have their sights set on Farage. He's upset the apple cart with all this anti-EU talk.

That's right. He's threatening too many gravy trains. It's almost as bad as doubting that the multi cultural society was the best idea for a thousand years.

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Nigel Farage, the leader of the United Kingdom Independence Party, is coming to the island in November. He will be speaking at the Gaiety Theatre in Douglas at an event organised by the Sporting and Dining Club.


Another publication that uses a crap photo of him. http://www.iomtoday.co.im/what-s-on/manx-entertainment-news/farage-to-speak-at-event-at-the-gaiety-1-6675596

Definite attendee here.

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We already have plenty of politicians with no substance - why would anyone pay good money to listen to that twat?

Because his contributions in the European Parliament show he has more substance on that issue than any of the mainstream politicians in either the UK or here.

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