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Stopping an execution because the victim had died (horribly)


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I wonder if this will make the Supreme Court face the fact the US kills people in Cruel and Unusual Ways, and hence they will end the practice. I bet some campaigning lawyers will be preparing their cases as I type!


The trouble is lots of Americans want to just shoot people in the head. It looks like that is a much more reliable method, but it makes people more squeamish than inflicting irreparable muscle and nerve damage via injection.


I'm so against the death penalty - expensive, unsuccessful, too often wrong, reducing justice to the level of the mob.


The reality of American justice is that it's cheaper to imprison for life, than to put people on death row and eventually kill them.


The number of people entering the system, vastly outnumbers the number leaving it in a coffin - the system simply can't cope and the populism driving sentencing doesn't see the failure of its string em up mentality.


Crazy - but such is the Good Ole USofA.




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Ooooh that reminds me of that film I watched with the mini bee a couple of weeks ago, Law abiding citizen, ooof, I don't like films really but the mini had it on and I was there with me knitting so (mostly from behind me scarf) I watched it. Perhaps they CIA should look into it further....


The world is mental, going around killing people like its of no matter is not acceptable behaviour at all, even less so if you're a government. Maybe we could sell the Yanks "The Birch"? Stunning idea ....

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Ooooh that reminds me of that film I watched with the mini bee a couple of weeks ago, Law abiding citizen, ooof, I don't like films really but the mini had it on and I was there with me knitting so (mostly from behind me scarf) I watched it. Perhaps they CIA should look into it further....


The world is mental, going around killing people like its of no matter is not acceptable behaviour at all, even less so if you're a government. Maybe we could sell the Yanks "The Birch"? Stunning idea ....



The Yanks could have a whip-round and buy the copyright....

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How did his victim die?


Speaking of watching horrible deaths...


"Lockett was sentenced to death for shooting 19-year-old Stephanie Neiman and watching as two accomplices buried her alive in 1999.

Ms Neiman and a friend had interrupted the men as they robbed a home."

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How did his victim die?


Speaking of watching horrible deaths...


"Lockett was sentenced to death for shooting 19-year-old Stephanie Neiman and watching as two accomplices buried her alive in 1999.

Ms Neiman and a friend had interrupted the men as they robbed a home."

An eye for an eye - how very Biblical.

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Fellow inmate Charles Warner, 46, had been scheduled to be put to death in the same room two hours later in a rare double execution.

Warner was convicted of the 1997 murder and rape of an 11-month-old girl.

I'm not sure what punishment you feel is appropriate for this guy, but a botched horrible painful death is pretty much the baseline for me and it's a shame they didn't go ahead with his too and fuck it up even more.

No doubt the bleeding heart liberals will soon arrive to tell us that education is the answer and prison or capital punishment is bad.

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No doubt the bleeding heart liberals will soon arrive to tell us that education is the answer and prison or capital punishment is bad.


Here's one now!


The USA is a sick civilisation. The way it administers 'justice' is a symptom of it. It has the highest prison population of any country in the world, and the highest percentage of its own people in prison of any country in the world. For killing prisoner it comes just after China, Iran, Saudi Arabia and Iraq in terms of number executed in the last ten years. In the Americas even countries we probably think of as more 'backward' like Bolivia, Colombia, Costa Rica, have abolished the death penalty. Yet the USA continues to commit what are basically revenge killings.

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I am against the death penalty too.


To answer Ans... Keep them alive. Find out what made them do it.


Sometimes the state might even find out they did not do it.


Just as an individual has no right to take a life, nor does the state.

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Sorry Ans but most of the statistics seem to prove that having a death penalty does not seem to dissuade people from committing horrible crimes. That then leaves the death penalty as being nothing more than a revenge killing. There have also been plenty of cases to prove that the right person is not always the one executed.

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I'm perfectly comfortable with the state exacting a "revenge killing" on someone who raped and murdered an 11 month old child. Sorry you don't agree, but I don't think sitting them down on pink beanbags and trying to get in touch with their feelings to understand them is really fair and just.


And in those countries that don't have the death penalty this kind of stuff still goes on so I dont think talking to them is really deterring them either. So if we can agree that there's nothing that can be done to deter this type of person, then I don't really have an issue with them being murdered by the state, ideally in a long, drawn out and horrific way.

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