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Clarkson in Trouble Again - Has The World Gone Mad?

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I see our some time resident Mr J Clarkson is in the news again, this time for not actually saying a racist term in a video clip that was not actually broadcast huh.png.......................See this http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-27253880 So the nursery rhyme that most of us over 40s will have said hundreds of times is causing this much outrage, fair enough you may say the N word in no longer acceptable in polite/ politically correct society (but OK in Rapper Songs) but the news this is generating is totally over the top in my opinion and a sad reflection of the state of our society these days. Thoughts?.....................

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It's political correctness gone mad. Being "offended" seems to be a full-time profession for some people. How sad and without a life must a person be to go to the trouble of complaining about this and even arranging for "audio forensic experts" to study it? Who has that kind of money to spare in the first place? Clearly someone with an agenda.


In other news, Paul Weston (a political candidate) was arrested a few days ago for quoting Winston Churchill in public.



It's absolutely pathetic that British society time and time again panders to a few loud mouthed complainers, taking their complaint as if it represented everyone, when the reality is most people couldn't care less.

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What I can't understand is if the word 'Nigger' is offensive, then why aren't black people prosecuted or whatever for calling each other 'Nigger'?

Surely if it's offensive, then no-one, regardless of their colour should use it or does equality in this case just work one way?

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In the video clip, he mumbles the word 'nigger' so its a clear indication he knows it was wrong to say that word, other wise why mumble it? I'd hate be under public scrutiny all the time though, the actual ryhme is racist, but is Clarkson a racist? no, he is just an idiot.

The only black people that use the word 'nigga' tend to be rappers, they use the word so it has become overall less offensive.

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Did you hear about the recent fiasco in America where the fake "feminists" have been campaigning to get the word "bossy" banned because apparently it's demeaning to women? This includes women like Beyonce who has called women bitches in her own song lyrics and is married to a guy, Jay-Z, who routinely refers to women as hoes and bitches in his song lyrics. But apparently bossy is off limits. Oh oh oh. What planet do these people live on?

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In the video clip, he mumbles the word 'nigger' so its a clear indication he knows it was wrong to say that word, other wise why mumble it? I'd hate be under public scrutiny all the time though, the actual ryhme is racist, but is Clarkson a racist? no, he is just an idiot.


The only black people that use the word 'nigga' tend to be rappers, they use the word so it has become overall less offensive.

Is the rhyme racist though? It was a children's rhyme said by most parents in the 50/60/70s to their children. I grew up with it and I said it hundreds of times when messing about trying to "pick" one thing over another. In all the times I said it I never once thought of a black/ coloured or any other race of people, it was just a rhyming word in a rhyme. I have never thought it a racist term until the word became worse than the "C" word, if spoken in public. FFS it is like what TJ has said above "Bossy" fucking stupid. I think the world has gone mad, we need something properly difficult/ distasteful for us all to suffer like a world war 3 to get our minds back on what really matters in this world. The mumbling of an old nursery rhyme is not that big a deal, maybe we have light at the end of the tunnel, Ukraine looks like it could well escalate, maybe the best thing that has happened for a while...................

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It's a joke it's a recording from 2/3 years ago the fact the paper that ran the story actually got an "expert" to go through it a load of times to try and see what he was saying and yet this "expert" could only be 75% sure he said it says it all really, people going out of their way to be offended. If he came out and gave a speech about black people and using that word I could understand the fuss biut he didn't he may have mumbled a word 2 or 3 years ago. Some people need to get a life.

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I have never thought it a racist term until the word became worse than the "C" word, if spoken in public.


Well, as you should know the tories are held in a great deal of contempt by a great number of people. So using the "C" word is essentially calling someone nasty, arrogant, greedy, self-centred, heartless, bullying, morally corrupt and completely uncaring about the less fortunate in our society.


Hmmm.... that sounds like someone on the telly....

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We used this rhyme as kids (almost 40 years ago) when picking teams or who was 'it' or whatever. I seem to remember that even then we used the word 'nipper' - as in a baby/toddler. 'Nigger' has only come back into use with gangsta rap and Quentin Tarantino films as far as I can tell.

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I have never thought it a racist term until the word became worse than the "C" word, if spoken in public.


Well, as you should know the tories are held in a great deal of contempt by a great number of people. So using the "C" word is essentially calling someone nasty, arrogant, greedy, self-centred, heartless, bullying, morally corrupt and completely uncaring about the less fortunate in our society.


Hmmm.... that sounds like someone on the telly....

Dick, I prefer the D word in cases like this...............................

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Clarkson is a good columnist. Some of the stuff he writes is hilarious funny quite amusing - probably because he's able to edit out some of the motor-mouth crap he so often produces. Someone should really tell him to play to his strengths.

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Clarkson has only himself to blame. He is nobodies fool and is almost playing a part on TV. Being politically incorrect without actually causing offense. That rhyme would not have been chosen or done without thought, and probably with the expectation of goading "do gooding tree hugging liberals" but without overstepping the mark.


Knowing that and knowing the reaction he seeks he has nobody to blame but himself as he knew what he was trying to do, what reaction he was looking for by using the rhyme in the way he did. He also knew what would be the reaction if he got it slightly wrong. Most others would have stayed clear of the rhyme but it is typical of what Top Gear does, being politically incorrect and risqué in a manor which is just acceptable. If you are going to do that and get away with it you have to be damn sure that you do not get it wrong as he surely knew he has enemies out there who would love to knock him down a peg or two as they see it given the opportunity.


I do not think that he is a racist but he took the risk knowing what the result would be if he got it wrong when there were more sensible options available. It appears he might have got it wrong and I bet he probably know just wishes he tossed a coin or said the rhyme in a manner without being deliberately ambiguous.


I do not think he is a racist but he knew exactly what he was doing, and the consequences of getting wrong. It appears he got it wrong On that basis I do not have a lot of sympathy because as a professional he knew what he was doing and why

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