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Clarkson in Trouble Again - Has The World Gone Mad?

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A long time ago, when I was a kid in the schoolyard, there was a sudden emergence of 'naughty' words that someone had discovered and learned the meanings of. We used them amongst ourselves and giggled furiously - amazed at our own maturity.

We grew out of it eventually (most of us, most of the time) - but it appears as if that kind of development was arrested at the private school that Clarkson's parents sent him to (they weren't rich, but they worked their asses off to pay his fees - and he rewarded them by being expelled for "drinking, smoking and generally making a nuisance of himself." Or at least, claiming that he was)

There was a time when he managed to be amusing - particularly with the written word - but the caricature of a 54-year-old behaving like a spoilt schoolboy is now tiresome.

As others have pointed out, his 'humour' is generally directed at those who are least able to strike back at him, while those with influence of any kind - such as his pal, David Cameron - are eagerly embraced in the scramble for grace and favour.

Personally, I don't care what word he used or didn't use - it's just one of the devices he employs to attract the publicity he adores so much, in any case.

I've defended his actions when I thought defence was deserved (against the nimby's in the south of the island, for example), but I think he is now past his sell-by date as a presenter/entertainer and his antics have begun to remind me of the very English, clueless sitcom characters of the past such as Frank Spencer - funny for a brief moment in time - but embarrassing once that moment has passed.

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Racist: One who hates another person because of his/her race. That's it. Not all the other multifarious meanings attached to it by political correctness over the years. How does using the word nigger in a children's nursery rhyme equate with that? Having said that though the idea of Clarkson supplicating himself is mildly amusing.

You don't know what you're talking about.


Racism is a simple thing to understand. But you have to take your learning from more than some media rag or not just form an idea of racism that sits comfortably with you.


Racism is oppressive behaviour (speech, actions, and even understandings) of other people based on the colour of their skin. The issue of intentions is completely irrelevant.


And do you actually know what political correctness is and why it is encouraged?

Yes. It has little to do with racism. It is a fairly successful attempt at telling the population what to think. It is state propaganda to try to keep the lid on a developing situation in the face of fundamental change in the population of Western Europe. You sound as though you are well indoctrinated.

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Racist: One who hates another person because of his/her race. That's it. Not all the other multifarious meanings attached to it by political correctness over the years. How does using the word nigger in a children's nursery rhyme equate with that? Having said that though the idea of Clarkson supplicating himself is mildly amusing.

You don't know what you're talking about.


Racism is a simple thing to understand. But you have to take your learning from more than some media rag or not just form an idea of racism that sits comfortably with you.


Racism is oppressive behaviour (speech, actions, and even understandings) of other people based on the colour of their skin. The issue of intentions is completely irrelevant.


And do you actually know what political correctness is and why it is encouraged?

Yes. It has little to do with racism. It is a fairly successful attempt at telling the population what to think. It is state propaganda to try to keep the lid on a developing situation in the face of fundamental change in the population of Western Europe. You sound as though you are well indoctrinated.



And not just the ''colour of their skin'' to be precise (and politically correct).

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Yes. It has little to do with racism. It is a fairly successful attempt at telling the population what to think.

It is about encouraging people to use different words and this changes how people think.

It is state propaganda...

It is. That in itself doesn't necessarily make it a bad thing. What I find is those who most often decry State use of non-racist language is that they rely on a mistaken assumption that the alternative is some free exchange of ideas and information. It assumes that there is some natural and proper going on when it comes to language use, which stops when the State involves itself. This includes the ignorant belief that language is non-political and then the State's interference is introducing politics,

...to try to keep the lid on a developing situation in the face of fundamental change in the population of Western Europe. You sound as though you are well indoctrinated.

Go on, I'll humour this... What developing fundamental change and why is there a lid to put on it?


But we don't have to go calling it political correctness, let's call it non-racist language or non-oppressive language.


Though, this is where you are being rather dopey, as political correctness isn't just something we encounter when it comes to race. There is political correct terminology relating to disabled people, LGBT people, and women.

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I agree, LDV. By understanding the historic meaning of the word -- it's etymology -- we can deduce that people offended by it are completely clueless morons. Nigger is derived from negro, which -- wait for it <shock horror> -- means BLACK.


attachicon.gifetymology of the word n-gger.jpg

The meaning and use of the term through history is more than just neutral references to people as 'black' and a neutral term for someone as a 'black person'.


As I said though, TJ. The issue isn't just about offence and isn't really the important issue here. It's about use of oppressive language and the moralities surrounding that.


Nevertheless, to say that people have been and are stupid to be offended by the term is either trolling or indicates a complete ignorance of how racism works and probably also how language works.


I'm not sure if you are trolling or not. Please explain further.

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If you use a word such as slope and it is taken as racist even if you had no idea that it was classed as a racist word, (I didn't), or if it's use was not intended to be racist could you be deemed to be abusive or offensive ???

Serious question.

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The meaning and use of the term through history is more than just neutral references to people as 'black' and a neutral term for someone as a 'black person'.


My point was that it was originally a neutral term and it is only because of media propaganda during the 20th century that the term began to be regarded as offensive. It used to be a perfectly legitimate and non-offensive term. So did negro. Now we're told "black" is the right word to use, even though it means exactly the same thing. Already, in America, "black" is starting to be treated the same way as negro and nigger, and now "African American" is being propagated as the politically correct term there. How do we know that the next generation, if they're sad enough to read this thread 20 yrs from now, won't be thinking we're a bunch of racist rednecks for using the word "black" because some new politically correct word has replaced it? I suspect this constant messing around with the language is a deliberate attempt on the part of the ruling elite to perpetuate racism. If you ever watch the US media, particularly CNN and MSNBC, they're constantly race-baiting, turning every story into some racial thing. They want poor blacks and poor whites to hate and blame each other, to stop them banding together to fight for liberty. That being said, I do take your point and basically agree with the general gist of it.


As I said though, TJ. The issue isn't just about offence and isn't really the important issue here. It's about use of oppressive language and the moralities surrounding that.


Nevertheless, to say that people have been and are stupid to be offended by the term is either trolling or indicates a complete ignorance of how racism works and probably also how language works.


I'm not sure if you are trolling or not. Please explain further.


I agree that nigger has become an oppressive term; however, I think the way they've made us all pussy foot around such terms and got us all paranoid of being called racist for saying anything is far more oppressive. Freedom of speech is more important than big brother protecting people being offended.


Nevertheless, to say that people have been and are stupid to be offended by the term is either trolling or indicates a complete ignorance of how racism works and probably also how language works.


Well, no, I was talking about when it originally started to be called racist. Of course it's become racist now, thanks to media propaganda. But originally, the replacement of the term nigger and negro with black was completely stupid since, as I showed, the etymology of negro and nigger does basically just mean black. I'm differentiating between now and when the manufactured offensiveness of the term (for political reasons) was in its infancy.

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There is political correct terminology relating to disabled people, LGBT people, and women.


And you as an alleged anarchist cracker are in favour of political correctness, even though it's a form of authoritarian censorship?



Anything goes....

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There is political correct terminology relating to disabled people, LGBT people, and women.


And you as an alleged anarchist cracker are in favour of political correctness, even though it's a form of authoritarian censorship?

Debunked all that nonsense in one line. Bravo TJ.

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Who cares?


Niggers allegedly.


I bet it isn't. It's probably idiotic white people thinking that they are standing up for oppressed peoples rights. It's all a total fucking nonsense.

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I bet it isn't. It's probably idiotic white people thinking that they are standing up for oppressed peoples rights. It's all a total fucking nonsense.



Damned right! It's fucking idiots that take offence on other peoples behalf that are the twats.


I live in Essex and there are a lot of people that are so blatently stupid. Not racist, just stupid. Farkin'Pakicunts, sootyfarkindarkiewigwogs,niggertuneshit and many many more. To me they just sound silly and a little bit thick.


One thing that will always stick in my head, I used to live in Kirk Micheal and two black lads (Chris and Andy) used to come over and stay at an Aunty's house during the summer holidays. They were really really nice lads and they got made very welcome and race/creed/colour never ever came in to it. But I can still hear a person say that they fucking hate niggers many years later after they stopped coming over. I mentioned Chris and Andy - ah well now those two are ok, they're like us. But you don't know any other black people said I. Nope those are like us.


Stayed with me forever that has.


Just stupid on a grand scale. Much like football fans really.

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