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Tt Is Quiet This Year


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Great time of year - stifled at bit at Bushy's compared to a few years ago by the Health and Safety ethos -


I thought it was quiet until yesterday, and it seems to be back to normal. The coming good weather will bring extra visitors next year. Attendance is very dependent on how the weather was the previous years.


And that fair on the Prom - an absolute eyesore and tacky in the extreme, used only by local 15 year old scallys.


How that lets us down in a very very big way.

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i cant believe the prices at the fair! last year im sure the stalls were only about £1.50 - £2. this year they are wanting £2.50. its a bl00dy rip off!


if they keep charging these prices, people will only go to the fair to watch the rides and hang about. and how are kids who dont work meant to afford these high prices? they'll just be trying to scrounge money off their parents all the time

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And that fair on the Prom - an absolute eyesore and tacky in the extreme, used only by local 15 year old scallys. 


How that lets us down in a very very big way.


I wouldn't mind so much, but it is virtually all the same rides as last year and the amount of rubbish thats there as well...


It would also be good if there was more than one screen showing the events on the prom. hopefully spreading the people a little thinner along the prom, I struggled to see the screen when I was down at the tent.

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Does anyone know who pays for the fair to come over ? Just wondering because I also think its an eyesore and brings the teenages together to walk around with booze and fags it makes the manx look like right scallys, but wouldn't the teenages all end up round there without the fair because all the want to do is be seen and noticed anyway. I am very grateful for the security round the funfair area this year, it makes the whole prom so much safer.


If the government in anyway pay for the fair to come over, I would prefer them to put the money to better use, maybe for more safety feature for the course or maybe for a proper children funfair where the adults could take younger children all year round we have lost the one we had at summerland.

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I have no idea but would imagine they pay their own way (and probably pay rent for the pitch).


I agree it's a bit crap but the kids love it, yes it may be tacky but it's also fun - been on all the rides myself with my mates (and we're no group of 15 yr old scallys).


The House of Horrors is excellent!


It's a shame about the scallies but it's hardly the fair's fault we can't control our own kids...


Would be ace if we had our own year round funfair though, then everyone would be happy. Until that day I like to see the fair here, though thought it was better up Noble's.


(Thanks WSAG! Sure hoping to...)

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I have no idea but would imagine they pay their own way (and probably pay rent for the pitch).



I don't think they do, from what i heard, they just pitch up, and don't have to pay for the pitch unlike the food stalls, they get a grant for travel too.


I can't stand the fair either, its a rip off and it stinks of wee.

Nah, thats ya ma! :o





I've one gripe about TT, sat down on the prom havin a beer is ace isn't it, in the outdoors, weathers nice etc, but TT weeks the only bloody week they let it happen, Bushy's should have the tent down there all summer i reckon.

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You can't beat standing in a car park, drinking beer at 11pm :(


It's all too staged now. It was much more entertaining when the roads were open, and anyone could have a go.


Still, nanny state, eh?

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Too right bill thats why we all went to bushys, get in there drink loads of beer and laugh at the streakers and burn outs also the random lunatics lol what a laugh.


What killed it i think was the closing of bushys it was great nipping in for a few pints before the frantic scrabble to watch the t i ts what fond memories lol.


And laughing at one of your m8's throwing up due to one too many burgers, nothing to do with the 10 pints on board.


To me that is the spirit of the TT and always will be, i hate any organised event just go with the flow.


They must be trying to brand the TT too lol

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I was down the sound last week and it was full of bikers sitting out enjoying the views and tea/scones...


I was chatting with a guy over for his first year up the mountain last week and the biggest draw for him was the scenery and peaceful nature of the place to enjoy while he rides around..... small country lanes etc


If you read bike mags - the roads that get featured as good places to visit are all quiet lanes and mountain routes rarely travelled...


We should emphasise that angle rather than the "Beer & Breasts" that is the prom...

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Is it me or is has this years TT got less visitors, there is no way near the army of fans that came a few years ago.


I agree - whatever the stats say, there's not as many people over here as the last years - spoke to a few German fellas the other day, all of them usually come here every year, but many didn't, simply because it's too expensive - you get 8 weeks all-inclusive on Barbados for one week here...


Not entirely our fault (although the usual price hike and things like 20 quid for a space on the tower at the Creg don't help..), as most europeans simply don't want to spend anything at the moment - Germans in particular: Our economical and political situation is so insecure, that many don't even ask for holidays at a certain time, for fear of losing their jobs and let's face it: a big chunk of all visitors was always from ze Vaterland..


I just hope that things soon improve over there - over 5mil unemployed at the moment (the highest after the war) - hardly a nation in holiday mood and it hurts to constantly read negative news about the country you're from :(

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I bet the Poles and French are getting nervous again then...


Gerry should learn from Tony. His way to lower unemployment figures is to employ people in millions of meaningless public sector jobs that achieve nothing except accelerate the destruction of a once-great society. Oh, and open your borders to all and sundry who wish to avail themselves of some long-term state funding.

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Does anyone know who pays for the fair to come over ?

They pay themselves.

.........they get a grant for travel too.

Not quite. Although they do get 50% off the Steam Packet fares. It's not subsidised as far as I am aware, it's just an agreed concession. I guess if they had to pay full freight rates then they wouldn't come.


It obviously works for the fair folk anyway, as the sight of the 'boss' paying the £20,000 odd pounds (in cash!) before they go back is testament.

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