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Tt Is Quiet This Year


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My fella won me one of those huge grey bears off one of the stalls last year but there were little kids working on the fair last year who didnt have a clue.


I do think its a shame though that the rides cost £2.50 a go, my little brother has been given about 40 quid over the last 2 weeks, its stupid

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The fair seems almost entirely staffed this year by all the notorious 12 year old Douglas scallies!

(Unfortunately due to my line of work I know em all)


Someone from the Tourist board was on the radio this morning and said there has been a good turnout to the TT this year and they're very pleased.

Also said some good words about the fair which is most unusual amongst those over 35.

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It seems lifeless this year, I was reminded of the last time I went to Ramsey sprint and the rugby pitch was half covered in bikes, this year there were hardly any but the weather was absolutely perfect so it wasn´t that keeping them away, they´re not here in the 1st place

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The price hike at the fair is because the government wouldn't pay for the security this year and would not let them operate unless an adequate level of security was present. Therefore the added cost has been passed on to the customer.

(Taken from an interview with Mr Taylor on Energy FM who is the fair operator)


edited because I type quicker than my brain can process during TT week

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From what I hear Douglas has been quieter this year but out of town busier.


Speculation is with there not being a camp site at Nobles, people are camping out of town and going out there as well. I hear Laxey and Peel have been busier, and I can vouch that Port Erin seems much livelier this year.

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It seemed very quiet on Parliament Square in Ramsey today. I wasn't there for the race but had a wonder down for the lap of honour. I don't think I've ever seen it so quiet there before.


Was it busy for the race, was anyone there?

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It seems lifeless this year, I was reminded of the last time I went to Ramsey sprint and the rugby pitch was half covered in bikes, this year there were hardly any but the weather was absolutely perfect so it wasn´t that keeping them away, they´re not here in the 1st place


The rugby pitch was intentionally clear of bikes.


Looking towards the rugby pitch:


..... and in the other direction



Even so, there does seem to be less bikes. Douglas Promenade used to be end-to-end both sides of the road with bikes. (I can bore you with the pictures to prove so if necessary).


Same with Broadway.


As an example, the demise of the Mannin Hotel lost the TT over 100 bed spaces. There are many others on the Promenade of course that are now COFUL flats.

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What was it like on the Mooragh Prom though, and on Park Road?


They always used to be jam packed with bikes, they actually used to park on the promenade itself too when I had a flat at Admirals Court.

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Well yes, 1997 and 1998 I remember bikes not only parked all over the grassed area (now partly the rugby pitch) but up and down Mooragh Prom/Park Road also.


I don't want, but have to concede that it is possible that there are less bikes over.


Still one helluva lot of bikes though and one amazing festival.



Long live the TT



Edited to add:


Someone mentioned somewhere on the forum that Bushy's tent smelt of sick.


They weren't kidding. Bushy's (including the Rovers) seems to think that character = dirt +filth.


But in the case of the tent:

Drinking a pint of warm beer in a tent on a car park that was filthy and had a sticky floor and smelt of sick because it hadn't been cleaned for a week in the middle of warm weather. Well, I would expect to pay £1 tops.


The place is disgusting. Absolutely disgusting.


Instead of chucking sawdust everywhere why don't they just actually clean the place. The place is disgusting. Absolutely disgusting. (oops, sorry I've done that bit before).


sick/vomit or simply bacteria infested spilt beer that's not been cleaned up.

(There's loads of bacteria hanging about above the hugest sespit in Douglas) It really is pretty yeeagh!





er, didn't stop me drinking a quick gallon or so though.

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