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Isle Of Man Lapel Pin!


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Fastyr Mie:


Something Horrible Happened At Work.


I had a Round Manx Lapel Pin that I had Pinned to my Work Hat and it must have caught in some Branches and got Pulled Off! It was a Little Round Red Lapel Pin with the Three Legged Symbol on it.


I got it in 2006 from a Little Shop in Peel and it was from a Box on the Check Out Stand that said "Lapel Pins For Charity. One Pound Each for support of Starving People in (I think) Romania".


I got Ten and distributed the rest to Friends and Family and kept One for myself. I had it on my Work Hat for the last 7 years and it never went Missing until today.


Does anyone know where I can get hold of a Replacement? So far, from the Internet, there is only Manx Lapel Pins that are Little Flags or Shields but I can not find anything that is Round.


I found one that is a Shield that might do, but I would prefer getting a hold of one that is Round that the one I Lost.







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