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International outrage grows for Sudanese woman sentenced to death for apostasy

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(CNN) -- Hours after a Sudanese court sentenced his pregnant wife to death when she refused to recant her Christian faith, her husband told CNN he feels helpless.


"I'm so frustrated. I don't know what to do," Daniel Wani told CNN on Thursday. "I'm just praying."


This week a Khartoum court convicted his wife, Meriam Yehya Ibrahim, 27, of apostasy, or the renunciation of faith.

Ibrahim is Christian, her husband said. But the court considers her to be Muslim.


The court also convicted her of adultery and sentenced her to 100 lashes because her marriage to a Christian man is considered void under Sharia law.


The court gave her until Thursday to recant her Christian faith -- something she refused to do, according to her lawyer.


The country imposes Sharia law on Muslims and non-Muslims alike and punishes acts of "indecency" and "immorality" by floggings and amputations, the commission said.


"Conversion from Islam is a crime punishable by death, suspected converts to Christianity face societal pressures, and government security personnel intimidate and sometimes torture those suspected of conversion," said the commission, whose members are appointed by Congress and the president.


Source: http://edition.cnn.com/2014/05/15/world/africa/sudan-christian-woman-apostasy/


The international community should get its act together and invade and overthrow this regime and all like it.

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The international community should get its act together and invade and overthrow this regime and all like it.


I appreciate, and largely agree with what you're saying. However, the 'international community's' record of this sort of thing over the past decade or so is not exactly brilliant.

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The international community should get its act together and invade and overthrow this regime and all like it.

I appreciate, and largely agree with what you're saying. However, the 'international community's' record of this sort of thing over the past decade or so is not exactly brilliant.



Just outlaw Islam and make it an "Illegal Organisation" - the amount of world grief and slaughter/atrocities that the various interpretations of that particular religion continues to cause (Al Quaeda, Boko Harem, Al Shabab, what's going on in Indonesia and Mindanao/the Phillipines, just to name a few) is more trouble than it's worth....that'll put the cat amongst the pigeons......
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I appreciate, and largely agree with what you're saying. However, the 'international community's' record of this sort of thing over the past decade or so is not exactly brilliant.


I agree. I meant "the international community" in some ideal world which is never going to exist. I'd never lend my support to a corrupt institution like the UN or entrust them to do the right thing in a country. And the unilateral warmongering we've seen over the last 10 years isn't good either.


Just outlaw Islam and make it an "Illegal Organisation" - the amount of world grief and slaughter/atrocities that the various interpretations of that particular religion continues to cause (Al Quaeda, Boko Harem, Al Shabab, what's going on in Indonesia and Mindanao/the Phillipines, just to name a few) is more trouble than it's worth....that'll put the cat amongst the pigeons......


That'll go down like a treat with the earth's 1.6 billion Muslims.


Is there an international bill of human rights that allows for freedom of religious choice, and who would enforce it?


The Universal Declaration of Human Rights



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I appreciate, and largely agree with what you're saying. However, the 'international community's' record of this sort of thing over the past decade or so is not exactly brilliant.


I agree. I meant "the international community" in some ideal world which is never going to exist. I'd never lend my support to a corrupt institution like the UN or entrust them to do the right thing in a country. And the unilateral warmongering we've seen over the last 10 years isn't good either.


>Just outlaw Islam and make it an "Illegal Organisation" - the amount of world grief and slaughter/atrocities that the various interpretations of that particular religion continues to cause (Al Quaeda, Boko Harem, Al Shabab, what's going on in Indonesia and Mindanao/the Phillipines, just to name a few) is more trouble than it's worth....that'll put the cat amongst the pigeons......


That'll go down like a treat with the earth's 1.6 billion Muslims.


Is there an international bill of human rights that allows for freedom of religious choice, and who would enforce it?


The Universal Declaration of Human Rights




So you don't trust that corrupt institution the UN but are happy for somebody else to try and enforce the UN declaration of human rights . How does that work then as surely whoever is enforcing the UN bill is then doing the dirty work for that corrupt institution . Or are you proposing that somebody else drafts a new international bill of human rights ?

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The UNIVERSAL Declaration of Human Rights was written at a time in the late 1940s when the UN was not yet a corrupt organisation.

Regardless of when it was written it's still a UN bill so I refer to my original question who is going to enforce this ? If you don't trust the UN to enforce their own policies then who do you trust ?

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Do you feel the same about thes resolutions not being enforced by the UN?


  1. Resolution 106: “…condemns Israel for Gaza raid”
  2. Resolution 111: “…condemns Israel for raid on Syria that killed fifty-six people”
  3. Resolution 127: “…recommends Israel suspend its ‘no-man’s zone’ in Jerusalem”
  4. Resolution 162: “…urges Israel to comply with UN decisions”
  5. Resolution 171: “…determines flagrant violations by Israel in its attack on Syria”
  6. Resolution 228: “…censures Israel for its attack on Samu in the West Bank, then under Jordanian control”
  7. Resolution 237: “…urges Israel to allow return of new 1967 Palestinian refugees”
  8. Resolution 248: “…condemns Israel for its massive attack on Karameh in Jordan”
  9. Resolution 250: “…calls on Israel to refrain from holding military parade in Jerusalem”
  10. Resolution 251: “…deeply deplores Israeli military parade in Jerusalem in defiance of Resolution 250″
  11. Resolution 252: “…declares invalid Israel‘s acts to unify Jerusalem as Jewish capital”
  12. Resolution 256: “…condemns Israeli raids on Jordan as flagrant violation”
  13. Resolution 259: “…deplores Israel‘s refusal to accept UN mission to probe occupation”
  14. Resolution 262: “…condemns Israel for attack on Beirut airport”
  15. Resolution 265: “…condemns Israel for air attacks for Salt in Jordan”
  16. Resolution 267: “…censures Israel for administrative acts to change the status of Jerusalem”
  17. Resolution 270: “…condemns Israel for air attacks on villages in southern Lebanon
  18. Resolution 271: “…condemns Israel‘s failure to obey UN resolutions on Jerusalem”
  19. Resolution 279: “…demands withdrawal of Israeli forces from Lebanon
  20. Resolution 280: “…condemns Israeli’s attacks against Lebanon
  21. Resolution 285: “…demands immediate Israeli withdrawal form Lebanon
  22. Resolution 298: “…deplores Israel‘s changing of the status of Jerusalem”
  23. Resolution 313: “…demands that Israel stop attacks against Lebanon
  24. Resolution 316: “…condemns Israel for repeated attacks on Lebanon
  25. Resolution 317: “…deplores Israel‘s refusal to release Arabs abducted in Lebanon
  26. Resolution 332: “…condemns Israel‘s repeated attacks against Lebanon
  27. Resolution 337: “…condemns Israel for violating Lebanon‘s sovereignty”
  28. Resolution 347: “…condemns Israeli attacks on Lebanon
  29. Resolution 425: “…calls on Israel to withdraw its forces from Lebanon
  30. Resolution 427: “…calls on Israel to complete its withdrawal from Lebanon
  31. Resolution 444: “…deplores Israel‘s lack of cooperation with UN peacekeeping forces”
  32. Resolution 446: “…determines that Israeli settlements are a serious obstruction to peace and calls on Israel to abide by the Fourth Geneva Convention”
  33. Resolution 450: “…calls on Israel to stop attacking Lebanon
  34. Resolution 452: “…calls on Israel to cease building settlements in occupied territories”
  35. Resolution 465: “…deplores Israel‘s settlements and asks all member states not to assist Israel‘s settlements program”
  36. Resolution 467: “…strongly deplores Israel‘s military intervention in Lebanon
  37. Resolution 468: “…calls on Israel to rescind illegal expulsions of two Palestinian mayors and a judge and to facilitate their return”
  38. Resolution 469: “…strongly deplores Israel‘s failure to observe the council’s order not to deport Palestinians”
  39. Resolution 471: “…expresses deep concern at Israel‘s failure to abide by the Fourth Geneva Convention”
  40. Resolution 476: “…reiterates that Israel‘s claims to Jerusalem are null and void”
  41. Resolution 478: “…censures (Israel) in the strongest terms for its claim to Jerusalem in its ‘Basic Law’”
  42. Resolution 484: “…declares it imperative that Israel re-admit two deported Palestinian mayors”
  43. Resolution 487: “…strongly condemns Israel for its attack on Iraq’s nuclear facility”
  44. Resolution 497: “…decides that Israel‘s annexation of Syria’s Golan Heights is null and void and demands that Israel rescind its decision forthwith”
  45. Resolution 498: “…calls on Israel to withdraw from Lebanon
  46. Resolution 501: “…calls on Israel to stop attacks against Lebanon and withdraw its troops”
  47. Resolution 509: “…demands that Israel withdraw its forces forthwith and unconditionally from Lebanon
  48. Resolution 515: “…demands that Israel lift its siege of Beirut and allow food supplies to be brought in”
  49. Resolution 517: “…censures Israel for failing to obey UN resolutions and demands that Israel withdraw its forces from Lebanon
  50. Resolution 518: “…demands that Israel cooperate fully with UN forces in Lebanon
  51. Resolution 520: “…condemns Israel‘s attack into West Beirut”
  52. Resolution 573: “…condemns Israel vigorously for bombing Tunisia in attack on PLO headquarters”
  53. Resolution 587: “…takes note of previous calls on Israel to withdraw its forces from Lebanon and urges all parties to withdraw”
  54. Resolution 592: “…strongly deplores the killing of Palestinian students at Bir Zeit University by Israeli troops”
  55. Resolution 605: “…strongly deplores Israel‘s policies and practices denying the human rights of Palestinians”
  56. Resolution 607: “…calls on Israel not to deport Palestinians and strongly requests it to abide by the Fourth Geneva Convention”
  57. Resolution 608: “…deeply regrets that Israel has defied the United Nations and deported Palestinian civilians”
  58. Resolution 636: “…deeply regrets Israeli deportation of Palestinian civilians”
  59. Resolution 641: “…deplores Israel‘s continuing deportation of Palestinians”
  60. Resolution 672: “…condemns Israel for violence against Palestinians at the Haram al-Sharif/Temple Mount”
  61. Resolution 673: “…deplores Israel‘s refusal to cooperate with the United Nations”
  62. Resolution 681: “…deplores Israel‘s resumption of the deportation of Palestinians”
  63. Resolution 694: “…deplores Israel‘s deportation of Palestinians and calls on it to ensure their safe and immediate return”
  64. Resolution 726: “…strongly condemns Israel‘s deportation of Palestinians”
  65. Resolution 799: “…strongly condemns Israel‘s deportation of 413 Palestinians and calls for their immediate return.”
  66. Resolution 803:
  67. Resolution 830:
  68. Resolution 852:
  69. Resolution 887:
  70. Resolution 895:
  71. Resolution 904:
  72. Resolution 1039:
  73. Resolution 1052:
  74. Resolution 1057 :
  75. Resolution 1068:
  76. Resolution 1073:
  77. Resolution 1081:
  78. Resolution 1095:
  79. Resolution 1109:
  80. Resolution 1122:
  81. Resolution 1139:
  82. Resolution 1151:
  83. Resolution 1169:
  84. Resolution 1188:
  85. Resolution 1211:
  86. Resolution 1223:
  87. Resolution 1243:
  88. Resolution 1254:
  89. Resolution 1276:
  90. Resolution 1288:
  91. Resolution 1300:
  92. Resolution 1310:
  93. Resolution 1322: “..Condemned acts of violence especially the excessive use of force against Palestinians”, called on the occupying Power Israel, to abide by its legal obligations and stressed the importance of “establishing a mechanism for a speedy and objective inquiry into the provocation carried out at out at Al-Haram Al-Sharif” when Arial Sharon visited the Temple Mount and to the subsequent violence “resulting in over 80 Palestinian deaths and many other casualties”. The US threatened to veto the original version of this resolution and managed to get all mention of Israel removed from the final version.
  94. Resolution 1328:
  95. Resolution 1337:
  96. Resolution 1351:
  97. Resolution 1559: “…called upon Lebanon to establish its sovereignty over all of its land and called upon Syria to end their military presence in Lebanon by withdrawing its forces and to cease intervening in internal Lebanese politics. The resolution also called on all Lebanese militias to disband.”
  98. Resolution 1583: “…calls on Lebanon to assert full control over its border with Israel. It also states that the Council has recognized the Blue Line as valid for the purpose of confirming Israel’s withdrawal pursuant to resolution 425.
  99. Resolution 1648: “…renewed the mandate of United Nations Disengagement Observer Force until 30 June 2006.”
  100. Resolution 1701: “…called for the full cessation of hostilities between Israel and Hezbollah.”
  101. Resolution 1860: “…called for the full cessation of war between Israel and Hamas.”
  102. Resolution 1884: “…expressed deep concern over violations of resolution 1701 and called on all parties to maintain the de-militarized zone between between the Blue Line and the Litani River
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The UNIVERSAL Declaration of Human Rights was written at a time in the late 1940s when the UN was not yet a corrupt organisation.

Regardless of when it was written it's still a UN bill so I refer to my original question who is going to enforce this ? If you don't trust the UN to enforce their own policies then who do you trust ?


I trust the ordinary people. So let's arm them. Imagine if those 200 school girls had been armed with AK47s when those cowardly militants from Procol Harum or whatever they call themselves went to kidnap them?

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1. You're an idiot.

2. If the girls had been armed, most would have been killed and the rest taken as hostages.

3. You're an idiot.

4. If any other country behaved liked Israel, it would be regarded as a pariah state.

5. You're an idiot.

6. Your unreserved support for Israel explains your love of America who share your views.

7. You're an idiot

8. By comparison with Israel, Sudan (the original subject of the thread) probably has a better human rights record.

9. My apologies to idiots everywhere for associating you with them.

10. Everytime you voice your support for Israel (unreservedly, of course) it probably makes someone, somewhere, decide to support the Palestinians.

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