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International outrage grows for Sudanese woman sentenced to death for apostasy

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And in Pakistan they've just stoned a 25 year old pregnant woman to death for choosing who she wanted to marry. The BBC described it as a 'conservative society' - medieval and inhuman is closer to the mark when referring to her killers, who included her father!

A 'conservative society'? That's a misuse of political correctness if ever there was.

A brutal,primitive, sub human cabal of control freaks would better describe these extremists.

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And in Pakistan they've just stoned a 25 year old pregnant woman to death for choosing who she wanted to marry. The BBC described it as a 'conservative society' - medieval and inhuman is closer to the mark when referring to her killers, who included her father!

A 'conservative society'? That's a misuse of political correctness if ever there was.

A brutal,primitive, sub human cabal of control freaks would better describe these extremists.


I agree. What we see here is not "conservative", but radical reactionary fundamentalism.

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The Sudanese sentence of death is justice gone rotten, and my heart bleeds for the woman concerned. Mustafa Kemal's principle of the secular state seems to be losing traction throughout the Muslim world, and that is a tragedy. Religious law has no place in a state justice system. Let your big guy upstairs dish out the punishment for purely religious infractions like apostasy and blasphemy.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Perhaps it's just me....or am I missing the shrill voice of the western metropolitan feminists on this one ? It's odd that when events don't fit the script just how quiet they can become. If a muslim group like Procol Harum start being the bad guys it contradicts the multi-cultural paradigm in which western white males are the bad hats (Americans, George Bush, Tony Blair etc...) and all ethnic minorities are lovely and cuddly. I'll get my coat....

I don't get a chance to enjoy the entertainment on here very often, but I had to respond to this one.

I do not claim to be the shrill voice of the western metropolitan feminists. I do not think my voice is shrill and I do not think I am metropolitan. I am a feminist – but if I wanted to condemn every example of women being mistreated, abused, beaten, raped and murdered, I would not have time for much else.


I would talk about the 5-year old girl raped and murdered in Ahmedabad last week.


Or I would write about the two teenage girls raped and hung from a mango tree in Uttar Pradesh a fortnight or so earlier.


I would want to know why a leading Russian politician who called a pregnant journalist a lesbian and a nymphomaniac and told his aides to “rape her violently” will only be banished from parliament for 3 months. Google Vladimir Zhironovsky


I would like to know why, when a lovely 18-year old was raped, strangled, left for dead and her body set on fire - spending 10 hours calling for help with her body slowly burning – and who died after being treated for her injuries, how those who committed the crime were set free because they were ‘well-connected’ in Ukraine. And why, even when they were charged, nearly two-thirds of the population think she was partly to blame. If you want to know about it, google ‘Oksana Makar’ – but you will need a strong stomach if it takes you to the video that shows her injuries.


So, you want to know about Muslims? Okay, I’ll tell you.

Try this item from BBC News:


Saudi Arabia's religious police stopped schoolgirls from leaving a blazing building because they were not wearing correct Islamic dress, according to Saudi newspapers. About 800 girls were inside the school in the holy city of Mecca when the tragedy occurred.

One witness said he saw three policemen "beating young girls to prevent them from leaving the school because they were not wearing abhaya and veil. A large number of girls were burnt alive while their relatives watched helplessly from outside."

Were the policemen punished? No, those guards will inshallah (God willing) get Jannah (paradise) for steadfastly upholding Allah’s laws.

Can anyone do anything about it? No – because Saudi-fucking-Arabia is a rich and powerful ally and customer of the West. You want to complain about feminists not making their views known? Try complaining about the whole ethos of the so-called free west that is willing to turn a blind eye to things like this because big money is involved.


My view? I’d set those so-called policemen alight and watch them burn. And if you think those are just the words of some Internet warrior – okay, think what you like; but I’ve had to watch so many innocent people die in the last few months that I don’t think I would have any problem killing them.

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