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Oops - France orders 2000 trains which are too wide for its platforms...


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1. Possibly got it wrong after advice from 'consultants.' Happens everywhere - as we know.

2. Someone admitted responsibility. Well, that wouldn't happen here.

3. "When you separate the rail operator (RFF) from the user, SNCF, it doesn't work." But it must do - because Thatcher said it would when they did the same in UK!


1. No they didn't. The Rail Operator (RFF) sent poor information to SNCF.

2. You might have a point,

3. When you have poor communication between two parties you always get problems.

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Admitted responsibility, actually got the new trains, and already has a plan to rectify it.


As opposed to here:


"We're in talks with the manufacturer"

"External body to investigate"

Etc etc

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Admitted responsibility, actually got the new trains, and already has a plan to rectify it.


As opposed to here:


"We're in talks with the manufacturer"

"External body to investigate"

Etc etc

yeh they're fixing it ok,$100 000 000 and counting, socialism stinks.

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Errm... that's actually €50m in total - for a mistake in a system that works brilliantly compared to the British privatised shite.


“When it was one industry – British Rail – it was subsidised to the tune of a billion to a billion-and-a-half in today’s money and at the moment it’s getting four billion pounds of taxpayers’ money”




Yes but not quite comparing apples with apples. Passenger usage has increased threefold since privatisation and infrastructure investment is on a level never seen in BR times with new lines opening and shortsighted cutbacks, singling and even BR route closures being reversed. I am not in favour of the current model though. Far too complex and a lawyers dream. Vertically integrated track and train companies would have been far better. BR's worst achilles heel? The good old unions.

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