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Is Putin's Russia like the Nazis, should Charles have said so?


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Ah, sweeping statements! And made by junior Kings.

I think there are serious dangers within the land grabs Putin is encouraging. It is possible for this pattern of behaviour, if it continues, and is extenuated, to result in a major war in central Europe. This could be something along the lines of Yugoslavia - a hundred thousand dead, millions displaced - it could be a lot lot worse.

Hitler did start off with very similar policies - encouraging ethnic Germans to destabilize the economically and politically weak countries they lived in with the idea of being reunited with the fatherland, but he also had genocidal tendencies from the start that Putin does not exhibit.

When people characterize the Nazis it is the whole, genocidal caboodal and not subparts of Hitler's masterplan.

Therefore I think it is wrong to compare Putin's Russia with Hitler's Germany. Though his macho nationalism could result in huge numbers of deaths, thuggery and war crimes.

Putin may possibly be a much worse and Russian version of Slobodan Milosevic (that should be an insult enough), but I don't think he's a Hitler. Is another person he might be like a certain nationalistic Texan?


On the fact that this comparison was made by a junior King - well he's allowed his sweeping and basically inaccurate opinions, and the fact is, this is a media storm swept up because of all the sycophancy around the Royals. So it's I suppose forgivable.


It was a private comment which was meant to be kept a private comment, but equally he's naive to say such things and it not be reported. So it confirms my opinion that the man is a bit of a fool fit only to sit on a throne, wear a silly crown, parrot what he is told to say by politicians and courtiers,go on walkabout in an earnest do gooding manner, and be followed around by the paparazzi. If it wasn't for the fact his surname is Windsor no one would be interested in his utterances.


That said being a Windsor is a difficult job, he didn't ask for it, and he does try reasonably hard - plus there are elements of truth in what he's said - I wonder how Russia Today will react?!


So - all in all ... I'm not sure if I agree or disagree with him saying it!!



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Charlie-boy knew exactly what he was saying when he uttered his 'private' words. More public opinion against Putin needs whipping up as he's now showing the type of force on the world stage (and forming strong trade alliances with the likes of China) that the US/UK find challenging to their once global hegemony.

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You seem to have an odd idea that the criticism of Putin is down to Russia being successful economically, but it has been aggressive with respect to neighbouring and civil liberties and human rights have taken a big hit over the past five to seven years. It certainly isn't just about Russia doing well and western nations bandying together.

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You seem to have an odd idea that the criticism of Putin is down to Russia being successful economically, but it has been aggressive with respect to neighbouring and civil liberties and human rights have taken a big hit over the past five to seven years. It certainly isn't just about Russia doing well and western nations bandying together.

Western nations don't give two hoots about human rights and civil liberties, as evidenced by the Gulf states and Saudi Arabia who they have backed for years as it's convenient to do so. Now one of the world's largest energy producers decides to strengthen it's military, stand up to western imperialism and sign huge trade deals with China and Iran, bypassing the once indispensable dollar as a medium of trade in doing so, they decide he's the big bad wolf (bear).

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Prince Charles is right and he also has every right to freedom of speech.


Saying that being born to the royal family renders you ineligable to speak your mind is no different to saying being born to a poor family renders you ineligable to speak your mind -- it's discrimination and a form of censorship.

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Western nations don't give two hoots about human rights and civil liberties, as evidenced by the Gulf states and Saudi Arabia who they have backed for years


Western governments are still restrained to some extent by electoral accountability and the rule of law.


If we stopped supporting the Saudi Royal Family and others like them, that region would disintegrate into something a lot worse than it is now. It's more logical to stick to the devil you know and slowly work to make things better.

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Ah, sweeping statements! And made by junior Kings.


. . . he's naive to say such things and it not be reported. So it confirms my opinion that the man is a bit of a fool fit only to sit on a throne, wear a silly crown, parrot what he is told to say by politicians and courtiers,go on walkabout in an earnest do gooding manner, and be followed around by the paparazzi. If it wasn't for the fact his surname is Windsor no one would be interested in his utterances.


I think we are damned lucky to have a Royal Family who so obviously care about issues of human suffering.


There is nothing silly about the British Crown. It represents our history, culture and the very stability of Great Britain.


Possibly HRH could have been more discreet - but I do ask myself why no other western leader has been as forthright. Personally, I think we are heading back to the Cold War. If we show we are unconcerned about countries being annexed then there will be more of the same.


Where is the next Iron Curtain going to be drawn?

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Charles was having a private conversation and aired his opinion. Really getting bored now of everyone seemingly being offended by whatever else says every day there seems to be a new story about people getting offended and it being newsworthy, here's an idea stop getting offended just because someone has a difference of opinion

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There is a lot of anti-Russian propaganda around at the moment. It's because everyone is bored of T.W.A.T and it has had to come to an end, so now the West need a new enemy but are too scared to take on China, so it's back to the big Red Menace.

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If you have the USA pulling the EU and UK's strings then a cold war is inevitable. If you think Russia abuses human rights on anything like the scale of allies such as Saudi Arabia and Israel, then you need a very severe reality check. If you think that anything of what's happening in Eastern Europe is down to Putin's initiative, then you need to turn over the page of your Daily Mail and continue reading about benefit cheats and Nigel Farage because international politics is clearly beyond your understanding.




Putin is responding to western aggression via it's proxies in Ukraine. It appears the west underestimated him and the situation, as instead of responding on the back foot he's now on the offensive and check-mating their moves, as he did very skillfully with Syria. He was in Beijing this week signing the largest deals between the two countries in their history and talking about a new alliance.

As a man he's like a caricature of a macho Russian dwarf, however as a statesman he's currently wiping the floor with Obomber and the like.

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Do you not think Russia and the West are saber rattling in public like this, while behind the scenes they're the best of friends and it's all just a way to have perpetual war for the purpose of controlling the domestic populations on both sides? These things always seem to escalate at very convenient moments.

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