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Should Road Racing Be Banned?

The Sick Moon

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Road racing is not the problem. There are more important things to debate first.


Dog poo is number one.This whole dog poo issue has to be resolved once and for all. If we can't sort out something as simple as that, how the hell can we even contemplate dealing with complex issues?


Thousands of politicians have been elected because they said they had had the dog poo solution. But once they are elected, they keep the solution to themselves. They don't share it. They hide it away until the next round of elections.


Yup. Deal with dog poo first.

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People with nothing to do all day and all day to do it - especially those watching meanlingless self serving bullshit such as Jeremy Kyle and the Nolan show - are what should be banned.


People who keep telling other people what to do, should be sent to North Korea or any other similar state where they can find out if they are happy to be told what to do by others themselves, and ignore the fact that millions of men and women died fighting so that we could do what we wanted as long as it did not hurt other people not participating. Stasi bastards.

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Anyone who suggests sending people to North Korea or any other similar state where they can find out if they are happy to be told what to do by others should be banished from any kind of democratic state and condemned to spend the rest of their lives watching Preston North End fail to clamber any higher than League One.

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Anyone who suggests sending people to North Korea or any other similar state where they can find out if they are happy to be told what to do by others should be banished from any kind of democratic state and condemned to spend the rest of their lives watching Preston North End fail to clamber any higher than League One.

That's quite fair. I was worried you were going to say Luton Town for a minute there.

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Stupid thread from a stupid OP.


What from MF's very own Mr Tumble, the man who puts the log into blog? Bit rich.

From MF's very own PL (who used to get 90% of his 'likes' from his sock puppets) masquerading as a new member?

If only you were smart enough, eh?

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