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Should Road Racing Be Banned?

The Sick Moon

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You mean Road Racing is Not Banned in IOM?!


Road Racing as been Banned All Across Canada since the First Fast & Furious Movie came out.


It was after that Movie came out that there were Road Racers Racing About All Over The Place and then there were a couple of Pedestrians who got Hit & Killed. That was when Road Racing got Banned Big Time!


Since then, if you are Caught Road Racing, you get your Car Taken Away and Impounded for a Month with you being Charged the Storage Fees.


And I agree with that. Road Racing should definitely be Banned.




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Of course. But that is when the Roads are Closed for the Event and all sorts of Safety Precautions for Pedestrians are Installed.


The Road Racing I am talking about is the ones were some Stupid Blokes decide on the cuff to start Racing About without any Safety Precautions.




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Wow a video of motor bikes on the TT course.

Well given that you posted that you go off island during TT it's no surprise you are impressed by footage of the racing , perhaps you should stay , you could always marshal .

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Helix: Fans of road racing definately downplay the danger. That 'riders know what they are getting into' argument is used, but discussions about the dangers and crashes isn't well received. We've seen it lots of times here, and on the IOM TT forums, so we all know it's a thing. Even without downplaying it, I think reading a press release vs seeing the accident in full HD video is likely to bring the reality home for many more people.

Why look for it in the first place then? Then why even start watching it?


To paraphrase the disclaimer from The Offspring's "Ixnay on the Hombre" album, if it offends you then just don't watch it.



I didn't know it was a fatal accident. It was from a friend on my fb feed, and it said 'NW200 crash'. I watched it, and it showed very clearly that it was a gut wrenching accident that the rider was unlikely to recover from, and I genuinely do wish I'd not seen it. The sad news of the crash being fatal came later in the day, after the video had several hundred thousand views.


Anyway, the point wasn't that it offends me, but that it informs me. I can see the reality of a violent accident vs a press release. I was making the point that this exposure could be a threat to dangerous sports. There was a similar incident with a cyclist in the Giro a couple of years ago. A fatal accident right under the nose of HD cameras which was filmed live. The impact was far worse, and far wider reaching than a press release at the end of the event.

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Got to wonder the effects of video everywhere on road racing.


The HD full detail clip of the tragic nw200 accident was all over social media before it was announced the man had died. These accidents are harrowing enough when you hear about them, but to see them is even worse.


The road racing fans like to downplay the risk, several hundred thousand views on youtube isn't going to help.


I don't think anyone downplays the risk - the common argument is that the racers are aware of the risk.


That poor bloke doesn't look as if he was aware of anything during the slide before what was probably the fatal blow.


Yes, thankfully he looked unconsciousness before his head hit the kerb at god knows what speed, but I didn't want to see his last moments, I wanted to see what caused him to come off of the bike in the first place, haven't seen that reported anywhere though, apparently he was too close to the kerbs a few times, its thought he clipped a kerb, the bike went into a tank slapper and threw him off sliding down the road.


RIP Simon, you really showed balls and determination coming back to a sport which very nearly killed you twice before.

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