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DOI - The Ministry of Silly Hats

Thomas Jefferson

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I used to, and still do, detest taxi drivers and their antics.

100% ignorant bastards.

If you know what I mean.


I agree. They're always speeding, they don't give way, they don't slow down to avoid splashing pedestrians on rainy days, and they're ALWAYS parking on bus stops. And that's aside from them being rip off merchants -- 'revenue stream'?!! £30 to get to Ronaldsway??No chance!!! And the funny thing is, they have this mannerism about them when you go to pay htem as if you're shortchanging them and they've somehow done you a favour by ripping you off.

14 years a cabbie and never did any of those things (£30 to get to Ronaldsway? Really? I'll have to get back to taxiing!)

Mind you, if I'd known it was you who was standing beside a puddle and there was a chance of being able to drench you - well, I would have ignored that and gone onto the pavement to run you down.



Twice, just to make sure?

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Let's all have a go at the people - ordinary people being paid to do a job - who are most disliked by those selfish and inconsiderate motorists who think it reasonable to occupy a free parking space for far longer than anyone else; the ones who think that the incredibly generous amount of free parking time in the town centre (compared to almost anywhere else) is simply not enough for anyone as important as they are.


The parking Nazi's are really the lowest of the low in my book. Its the pointless policing of society for the sake of the pointless policing of society. The world is not going to go into a global meltdown because Mrs Kelly spent an extra 10 minutes in Marks & Spencer is it? An extra 10 minutes spending money that drives taxes, and wages, and employment, and which means businesses also continue to pay business rates so the Corporation can afford to pay a load of pointless Clipboard Charlies in stupid hats to piss people off and charge them £60 for daring to spend an unplanned extra 10 minutes adding to the economic transactions that underpin our economy.


They are utterly useless instruments of a bankrupt state preying on people for just having a life. The Police have more than enough powers to fine people genuinely dangerously parking, or who flount the rules of the road, these twats just sting grannies who forget to put parking discs up, or people who get back to their cars a few minutes late. That is causing no damage to society whatsoever, and the fine is totally disproportionate to the offence (which really is no real offence at all). Its pure revenue generation and nothing else.

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TheBees it's a Fixed Penalty Fine not a parking fine for failing to display a "tax disc" and you would be surprised how long some people have gotten away with not having their car taxed.

Gotten away with? Hardly murder. Surely the government has a record, maybe they could send a reminder rather than charging people. Oh but they need the money to pay for all those required to do the admin. Grrrrrr.

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I see DOI vehicles breaking parking rules all the time yet I've never seen one if these goons giving one of their own department's vehicles a ticket. I thought we were supposed to be a nation of laws, where everyone had to follow the same rules or face the same repercussions. I guess it's okay to break the law if you're the government.

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The parking Nazi's are really the lowest of the low in my book. Its the pointless policing of society for the sake of the pointless policing of society. The world is not going to go into a global meltdown because Mrs Kelly spent an extra 10 minutes in Marks & Spencer is it? An extra 10 minutes spending money that drives taxes, and wages, and employment, and which means businesses also continue to pay business rates so the Corporation can afford to pay a load of pointless Clipboard Charlies in stupid hats to piss people off and charge them £60 for daring to spend an unplanned extra 10 minutes adding to the economic transactions that underpin our economy.


They are utterly useless instruments of a bankrupt state preying on people for just having a life. The Police have more than enough powers to fine people genuinely dangerously parking, or who flount the rules of the road, these twats just sting grannies who forget to put parking discs up, or people who get back to their cars a few minutes late. That is causing no damage to society whatsoever, and the fine is totally disproportionate to the offence (which really is no real offence at all). Its pure revenue generation and nothing else.

I pretty much agree with that, except that it's the people that make the rules, rather than the guys handing out the tickets, who are the Nazis.


I parked on Shoprite carpark the other day. It was getting towards close of play and was virtually empty. I parked up and went off to the machine to get my ticket. As I was walking back to the car there was one of the parking guys eyeing it up as it didn't yet have a displayed ticket. He'd just penalised a car a few bays down from me. Presumably if I'd been a bit longer returning to the car I'd have been next.


For me, you should only be fined for parking if you're causing an obstruction, parking in a disabled bay without a valid permit, or if you're over the time limit when all nearby spaces are full. It seems ridiculous to me to fine a car for being too long in a legitimate parking space when there's no lack of nearby spaces.

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