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'The drive of the Rockefellers and their allies is to create a one-world government, combining super-capitalism and Communism under the same tent, all under their control ... Do I mean conspiracy? Yes I do. I am convinced there is such a plot, international in scope, generations old in planning, and incredibly evil in intent.'


Lawrence Patton McDonald, M.D.


Lawrence Patton McDonald, M.D. (April 1, 1935 – September 1, 1983) was an American politician and a member of the United States House of Representatives, representing the seventh congressional district of Georgia as a Democrat. He was a passenger on board Korean Air Lines Flight 007 when it was shot down by Soviet interceptors and presumed dead. A conservative Democrat, he was active in numerous civic organizations and maintained a very conservative voting record in Congress. He was known for his staunch opposition to communism and believed in long standing covert efforts by the Trilateral Commission and other powerful US groups to bring about socialism and world government. He was the second president of the John Birch Society and also a cousin of General George S. Patton.

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'The drive of the Rockefellers and their allies is to create a one-world government, combining super-capitalism and Communism under the same tent, all under their control ... Do I mean conspiracy? Yes I do. I am convinced there is such a plot, international in scope, generations old in planning, and incredibly evil in intent.'


Lawrence Patton McDonald, M.D.


Lawrence Patton McDonald, M.D. (April 1, 1935 – September 1, 1983) was an American politician and a member of the United States House of Representatives, representing the seventh congressional district of Georgia as a Democrat. He was a passenger on board Korean Air Lines Flight 007 when it was shot down by Soviet interceptors and presumed dead. A conservative Democrat, he was active in numerous civic organizations and maintained a very conservative voting record in Congress. He was known for his staunch opposition to communism and believed in long standing covert efforts by the Trilateral Commission and other powerful US groups to bring about socialism and world government. He was the second president of the John Birch Society and also a cousin of General George S. Patton.


Cut and paste answered by cut and paste. Well, that proves everything. I'm totally convinced.

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I was once told that you just can't discuss anything sensibly with sociopaths, they are never willing to accept any other point of view than their own.


A sociopath is someone without a conscience and without empathy or sympathy for other people and living beings. I've demonstrated that I clearly do have a conscience and a lot of empathy and sympathy for others, otherwise I wouldn't be on here defending the working class, the plight of temps and minimum wage workers (of which I am not one), nor would I be on here calling out for better treatment of the elderly, or expressing concern over human rights abuses in other parts of the world. Nor would I be a vegetarian or animal rights advocate. I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you've confused the word sociopath with some other word, and insist that you you take back your spurious, unsubstantiated claim that I'm a sociopath. I literally constantly worry about other people's welfare so don't give me any of that shit.

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Quilp's meme was totally stupid. I do not get my info from "the internet". If I quote from the internet, it's only because it's easier. You can't possibly expect me to somehow magically post years of extensive research that I've done into a post on here. I have to shortern it, dumb it down for you, but usually it's easier to just cite something off Wikipedia but only when I've done research and have confirmed the content to be accurate. I don't just blindly quote wikipedia like some of you lot. Besides, like I said, the internet is no different to any other medium. Just because something's in a book, it doesn't mean it's more reliable than something that's written on a website. There are millions of academic articles on the internet, as well as books and audio and video lectures.

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Agreed - which is why I don't intend to brag about having 'a conscience and a lot of empathy and sympathy for others.'


I just do and say what my conscience dictates - others can judge me if they wish. I couldn't really give a flying f***


I wasn't bragging about having a conscience or empathy; I was specifically responding to some knob head calling me a "sociopath", which is someone who has no conscience or empathy. Are you thick or something?

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So, let's run through this for the record: I say Bilderberg are a dubious organisation, someone goes and calls me a sociopath, I defend myself by saying I'm not, I get accused of bagging about not being a sociopath, I call them out for this, then I get told I aspire to be a sociopath. You people don't even make rational, coherent sense.I think you're either a shill or you're being mind controlled to post horrible things about me.

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I was once told that you just can't discuss anything sensibly with sociopaths, they are never willing to accept any other point of view than their own.


A sociopath is someone without a conscience and without empathy or sympathy for other people and living beings. I've demonstrated that I clearly do have a conscience and a lot of empathy and sympathy for others, otherwise I wouldn't be on here defending the working class, the plight of temps and minimum wage workers (of which I am not one), nor would I be on here calling out for better treatment of the elderly, or expressing concern over human rights abuses in other parts of the world. Nor would I be a vegetarian or animal rights advocate. I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you've confused the word sociopath with some other word, and insist that you you take back your spurious, unsubstantiated claim that I'm a sociopath. I literally constantly worry about other people's welfare so don't give me any of that shit.


Sorry for the delay in responding but I've been outside enjoying the beautiful weather over here today, I hope its nice and sunny on the Island too.


Anyway, I'm not sure why TJ thinks I was talking about him. I didn't name him or quote him (something I nearly always do when responding directly to someone) in my post. Contrary to his apparent belief not every post is directed towards TJ.

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I wasn't bragging about having a conscience or empathy; I was specifically responding to some knob head calling me a "sociopath", which is someone who has no conscience or empathy. Are you thick or something?


As above, I wasn't calling you or anyone specific in this forum a sociopath. Nice to see you've dropped to the base level and resorted to childish name calling.

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