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Majority of drink driving arrests are locals

The Sick Moon

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I liked PL's posts too. I didn't even see what was so controversial about them. He just typed normal things, then people would have a spack attack. I guess it's true: if nobody hates you, you're doing something wrong.


In my mind you are 20 odd, but you use words I use like spack and walter which are 80's phrases so maybe you aren't all as young as you appear to be :)

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In my mind you are 20 odd, but you use words I use like spack and walter which are 80's phrases so maybe you aren't all as young as you appear to be smile.png


I am 20 and odd -- they were also 90's phrases. I learned my insults from my elder siblings. smile.png



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How was that racist, unless 'German' and 'Manx' are now races, rather than nationalities.

If you insist on wildly overreacting to everything, can you at least try and use the correct terms?

I'm not getting involved in whether the statement was racist but I do disagree with your apparent definition of things. I presume you'd accept that someone who is racist practises racial discrimination. There are many definitions of what constitutes racial discrimination but just about all of them include nationality. For example, The UN defines racial discrimination as "any distinction, exclusion, restriction, or preference based on race, color, descent, or national or ethnic origin that has the purpose or effect of nullifying or impairing the recognition, enjoyment or exercise, on an equal footing, of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the political, economic, social, cultural or any other field of public life."


* my own emphasis

I wouldn't accept that definition, because its nonsensical. Race is not nationality. If you want an all encompassing term for anyone causing any offence to anyone based on anything, you need to find a new word, because racism is about race. You may as well call being rude to a German sexism.

You're free not to accept it, that's the beauty of freedom and long may it stay that way. Conversely I'm free to not agree with you and I don't on this one.

I'd say that a race includes any people united by common history, language, culture, etc. As such I'd say that German is a race, Manx is a race, French is a race, etc. That view is backed up by various sources, such as http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/race?s=t and http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/race


TJ - Sorry, I can't see your posts so there is no point in us engaging in discussion. It does appear that ignore does not work when that ignored poster is quoted by someone else.

What about a French German Teacher? Hahahaha

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Tell me. We're they, by any chance, serving champagne at the Left Tenant's house tonight?

Now you've mentioned it......


OMG....as if.....I just went to Adams house to watch the Red Arrows, I was the most nervous I've ever been but he's sooo James Bond and I'm 'drunk' on having been there, shit like that aint for the likes of me amigo :) It was so lovely, wine and canapés (spell correct put the 'thing' in, not me) and the red arrows making hearts right at us, jeeze I even got to talk to Adam.....weeeesh :) happy days likes. Happy days. I'm a poor copy of my mum but I hope I did her proud.

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Amadeus, on 03 Jun 2014 - 19:12, said: . Go on, show me where I use a sock puppet. Right fucking now.




Well, do. Go on. Now that you're all ganging up on one, you'll have to back your little internet war up.




You searched all the way back to 2004 to prove a point?




Sadly, you're wrong.

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I think expense of taxi's and the lack of public transport could very well have something to do with it.


What self respecting 18 - 25 yr old wants to toddle off on the last bus at 12.15 am


I think if there were buses to PE, Peel and Ramsey when the clubs closed, that stopped on the prom it would make a massive difference.

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I have been on a the last bus home a few times and usually there are some fairly wasted people on board and have witnessed fights and drunken arguments which got out of hand - didn't envy the driver at all having to deal with that which is probably why they don't have a service much later than midnight!

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