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Majority of drink driving arrests are locals

The Sick Moon

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I thought you weren't allowed in the police with a criminal record? Society has a fair bit invested in his training however, so if he's learnt his lesson it would seem a bit silly not to use him for police work. Bit of a lack of consistency though.

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I fcking hate Dr who.

You are MF's own Dr Who though. Although the rate at which you re-generate through sock puppets is even quicker than the Doctor.


You are a Waste of Time Lord traveling through multiple threads in your tinfoil lined Turdis.

You're the one with a load of sock puppets, oldmanxfella.

Wrong. I could go blubbering off and claim the mods will validate that. But they don't do that do they TJ? Its just what pathetic babies like you claim when cornered. Shortly before claims of bullying, and people ganging up on you get levied in all directions. And bizarrely claims of people being "Walters" - which makes you sound like you've come straight off the set of a 1972 soap opera. You gimp.

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June 2008. Why bring it up now?


I thought it relevant to a thread on drink driving and the good Inspector Flint advising the general populace as to how to behave.


Are there specific time limits on ManxForums precedents?



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Society has a fair bit invested in his training however, so if he's learnt his lesson it would seem a bit silly not to use him...


Shock news!


Dr Dirk Hoehmann to return to Nobles as financial 'Consultant'.


Nope...just kidding.





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Also, if you read the comments on the 2008 article, someone makes it clear that not all is revealed in the article about this case and that there were mitigating circumstances involved.


I don't agree with people who say a dibble should be treated more harshly -- the western justice system is supposed to in theory treat everybody equally and not give lighter or harsher sentences to certain people.



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You're really overdoing this "waste of time lord" joke. Once was more than enough.

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Society has a fair bit invested in his training however, so if he's learnt his lesson it would seem a bit silly not to use him...


Shock news!


Dr Dirk Hoehmann to return to Nobles as financial 'Consultant'.


Nope...just kidding.






My spidey senses tell me there is far more dirt on that man than on a freshly used ploughing thingio.

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So....back on topic, I assume from the title this is about drink driving....I thought that it had been derailed that much it'd returned back to its original starting point!

Wrong. It's all about TJ,like all the other threads.

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This annoys the feck out of me. He`s right Surely the police a professional witness`s should be reporting these figures correctly ie a Derby man residing in Douglas has been arrested for Drunk Driving. I remember years ago a guy moved over here went out drinking and in totally unprovoked attack left a mate of mine in a vegetative state. He was described in the press as a local man. He had been on the island for less than 10 hrs.

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I can honestly say, having used some form of Isle of Man related forum for the past 15+ years, I have only used the "ignore/hide" function twice. Once for vader the second for TJ.


On MF whilst a topic may start out remotely interesting, or at least, have the prospect of becoming interesting. Normally if TJ is in there, it deteriorates into random irrelevance. I think Food & Drink and perhaps Computing are the only save havens.


Thanks for your opinion, Joey, but nobody gives a fuck. Good day.


That's not very nice, how come you always resort to name calling and swearing? I'd have thought you were man enough to rise above all that.


I don't have time for these clowns. I don't have time for their judgement and their stupidity. They lay down with their ugly wives in front of their ugly children and just look at their loser lives and then look at me and they say 'I can't process it'. Well no, and you never will. Stop trying, just sit back and enjoy the show.


Who the hell do you think you are, TJ? You're the fucking world champion in thread derailments and you were repeatedly, and nicely, told to take a step back, take a little break, let the internet be for a bit. I'd be for your own good. Instead you're continuing your mental meltdown at full speed and calling anyone who disagrees with your views names. You're out of order. Get a fucking grip or get help. You need it.



At least he's here and Manx.

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