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Majority of drink driving arrests are locals

The Sick Moon

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It is rather a good point though, isn't it? You do act like some distant overlord, deleting threads here, closing them there, slagging off the Manx people and their government. It's a bit odd. Haven't you settled into your new life very well? I expect you might feel even more foreign where you are now, and take that sense of not belonging out on innocent third parties who are simply trying to discuss local matters of interest and importance. Matters which strictly speaking are none of your business.

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It is rather a good point though, isn't it? You do act like some distant overlord, deleting threads here, closing them there, slagging off the Manx people and their government. It's a bit odd. Haven't you settled into your new life very well? I expect you might feel even more foreign where you are now, and take that sense of not belonging out on innocent third parties who are simply trying to discuss local matters of interest and importance. Matters which strictly speaking are none of your business.


You're a piss poor troll reincarnation of Pisspot Lunatic and this place would be way better off without you. Maybe you would like us to do a little ethnic cleansing around here and kill off anyone who isn't manx enough for you or permanently on the island? Is your intellect and world view that limited or is this your idea of trolling? I am not deleting or closing any threads of you. You are mistaken. My private and professional relation to the isle of man, while certainly still existing, is none of your business. You are rude and disrespectful and as your last post shows, you are trying to wind people up because it probably gives you a kick or something. Just like PL used to. Bottom level trolling. We've had loads of your type around here. You're just another troll, and not even a very good one, although you probably sit there and think how clever you are. Now stop taking the internet so seriously and twaddle back to your Kindergarten.

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Is it just me or does there seem to have been a noticeable increase in "new posters" over the last few weeks. All of whom seem to have fairly controversial views and have provoked a reaction from the regulars.


I accept that there will always be a silent majority in forums but this spike in activity from a few members just seems unusual.

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Sock Puppet Central recently...


can't you just have a poll to see if people still like the idea of multiple logins? The other two forums I've been involved with, for many years, only allow one active membership, and it's generally a much more stable platform than MF, which tbh is becoming more and more 'silly'

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Sock Puppet Central recently...


can't you just have a poll to see if people still like the idea of multiple logins? The other two forums I've been involved with, for many years, only allow one active membership, and it's generally a much more stable platform than MF, which tbh is becoming more and more 'silly'

+1 Do it Amadeus.

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I agree and fully support a one user policy being adopted. The number of new users, who are coincidentally argumentative, does seem to have boomed in recent weeks and it doesn't appear beneficial to the forum. Surely anyone who opposes that can only want to have sock puppet accounts for nefarious reasons?

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