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Being bilingual 'slows brain ageing'


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Learning second language 'slows brain ageing'




Learning a second language can have a positive effect on the brain, even if it is taken up in adulthood, a University of Edinburgh study suggests.

Researchers found that reading, verbal fluency and intelligence were improved in a study of 262 people tested either aged 11 or in their seventies.


A previous study suggested that being bilingual could delay the onset of dementia by several years.



Na dann mal: viel Spass beim lernen :)

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Mais non! Ce n'est pas possible!

No creo que es la verdad.


But yes, in truth, I can see this making sense. I've read in the past that learning a second language at a young age increases grey matter and the capacity for other languages too. I think it's the same reason that even after years, people re-immersed in a language pick it back up very quickly. I need to go back to France for a few months for that very reason...


I'd like to learn either Russian or Mandarin, but both are rather difficult, maybe Esperanto would be more useful...

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I bet Allan Bell's brain looks young...he speaks English and fluent Bullshit.


Perhaps we can persuade him to donate it to science fiction.


Wow, comedy genius. So politically astute and cutting edge. You are incredible.

Wow. Gosh. Thanks.

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I bet Allan Bell's brain looks young...he speaks English and fluent Bullshit.


Perhaps we can persuade him to donate it to science fiction.


Wow, comedy genius. So politically astute and cutting edge. You are incredible.

Nice to see you can appreciate natural genius.thumbsup.gif

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I'm more than bilingual, TJ, and that joke didn't work. You're always posting how proud you are of your manxness. Why don't you learn manx? A few friends of mine have and they seem to enjoy it. One is from Germany as well and I envy her because she now speaks about six or seven different languages.

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