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Give up dairy to beat cancer

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Lxxx , have you tried drinking goats milk? I know people who say that it helps with catarrh

I drink coconut, almond or rice milk, much rather avoid a lot of animal products these days.


I also managed to rid myself of hay fever, dust allergy, horse allergy, all kinds of stuff by cleaning up my diet and healing my gut with aloe Vera juice, Glutamine and other products. It's amazing how destructive the western way of life is on the body. Mine must have been trying to function in internal sludge until I completely changed it.

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Lxxx , have you tried drinking goats milk? I know people who say that it helps with catarrh

I drink coconut, almond or rice milk, much rather avoid a lot of animal products these days.


I also managed to rid myself of hay fever, dust allergy, horse allergy, all kinds of stuff by cleaning up my diet and healing my gut with aloe Vera juice, Glutamine and other products. It's amazing how destructive the western way of life is on the body. Mine must have been trying to function in internal sludge until I completely changed it.


What about soya milk?


My wife drinks that as she seems to be lactose intollerant


I go through loads of milk in the red cartons (a bit like white water) and for years have been hooked on nasal decongestant as I'm frequently bunged up and can't breather through my nose. Really poor sense of smell and taste as well.


I may try swapping to soya milk for a few months and see what happens

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Lxxx , have you tried drinking goats milk? I know people who say that it helps with catarrh

I drink coconut, almond or rice milk, much rather avoid a lot of animal products these days.


I also managed to rid myself of hay fever, dust allergy, horse allergy, all kinds of stuff by cleaning up my diet and healing my gut with aloe Vera juice, Glutamine and other products. It's amazing how destructive the western way of life is on the body. Mine must have been trying to function in internal sludge until I completely changed it.

What about soya milk?


My wife drinks that as she seems to be lactose intollerant


I go through loads of milk in the red cartons (a bit like white water) and for years have been hooked on nasal decongestant as I'm frequently bunged up and can't breather through my nose. Really poor sense of smell and taste as well.


I may try swapping to soya milk for a few months and see what happens

Soya milk is almost exclusively made from GM soya, not good. After doing loads of research on the subject the three I alternate using above seem to be the best options.

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I am with Wrighty on this one. The Daily Mail does tend to over simplify things and to be honest they are not alone in this. Let's face it Cancer is the result of our own cells replicating incorrectly and there are probably a whole host of interacting causes that will include diet, environmental factors, family history and general health. To argue that simply stopping eating dairy is a cure is just pure nonsense.


I also disagree with the comments over dairy and hayfever etc. Over the years I have significantly reduced my intake of dairy produce (as a result of suffering with migraines) and I have actually developed hayfever... So it does not appear to be true for everyone (Surprise, surprise!).

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I drink coconut, almond or rice milk, much rather avoid a lot of animal products these days.


I also managed to rid myself of hay fever, dust allergy, horse allergy, all kinds of stuff by cleaning up my diet and healing my gut with aloe Vera juice, Glutamine and other products. It's amazing how destructive the western way of life is on the body. Mine must have been trying to function in internal sludge until I completely changed it.

Healing your gut with aloe vera? There isn't any good evidence (or any evidence that I've read about) that aloe vera does anything.


Surprised you drink coconut milk. That usually has carrageenan in it and people who are into alternative remedies on flimsy evidence tend to stay away from it. It might be making you ill!!!

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I'm no health guru. I'm just saying what I did and whether it worked for me, which it did. It was a controlled study, of a sample group of one, therefore I couldn't blind test myself, so therefore the results are flawed, which means the debilitating symptoms that went away are obviously still there and it's all in my imagination.

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I'm no health guru. I'm just saying what I did and whether it worked for me, which it did. It was a controlled study, of a sample group of one, therefore I couldn't blind test myself, so therefore the results are flawed, which means the debilitating symptoms that went away are obviously still there and it's all in my imagination.


No, it may have worked for you. It just might be that the results are not replicated in anyone else. It could also be a combination of changes made in your life at the same time, however, you feel the giving up of dairy produce was the most significant.


You also have not gone and written a book, then had a story published in a national newspaper *cough* and then had other people believe what you had written and said. If you make changes to your diet and routines and that results in a better health and lifestyle for you then that is perfectly fine and I am happy for you. If you then tried to present the results as a scientific breakthrough then I would have an issue.

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Typical Daily Mail rubbish as part of their programme to categorise every known substance as either being a cause for cancer or a cure for cancer

If you google her you get to a page where they discuss her recommendation to drink soya and how that causes cancer too.


Of course there are dietary factors in many cancers, but the problem with the Mail is that it over-sensationalises often low valued scientific articles (and in this case a blatant book plug). If this causes one poor woman with breast cancer to think she can be cured by giving up cheese to eschew conventional (and proven) treatments then it will have done a great disservice. My advice would be to give up reading the Mail rather than give up dairy.

I agree, but I think some GP's could also learn a bit more about diet as something to try before hitting the drugs. Personal anecdote in scientific discussion alert: We struggled with our first child and ear infections. Pain, screaming, bad sleep, leading to popped drums, antibiotics, gromet operations, moulded earplugs and ultimately an eardrum transplant. When our second child started down the same road a friend asked us to try cutting out the dairy. We went to goats milk, sheeps cheese and cut out the yoghurt. The change after a few weeks of this was dramatic, absolutely no more sinus issues at all. I'm pretty angry that our GP didn't even mention this even though it appears to be pretty common knowledge backed up by some good research. Why go straight for the antibiotics before asking us to try a dairy free diet?


As for the op's link, I'm suspicious that this stuff's published in a book and not a paper but given she's such a successful researcher I'd be surprised if this is completely bollocks.

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Soya milk is almost exclusively made from GM soya, not good. After doing loads of research on the subject the three I alternate using above seem to be the best options.

What's wrong with GM soya?

Saw this link, but only put it on here to part answer your question. Whether this is fact or fiction, I'll leave members to decide.

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