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Give up dairy to beat cancer

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I just choose to steer clear as best I can of GM food. There is enough contentious debate on the matter for me to leave well alone until such time, if it happens, when conclusive evidence comes out that it's perfectly fine for you. Until then I'll try and stick to as clean an organic diet as possible.


Speaking of GP's it was my complete exasperation with my GP that forced me to sort myself out. After years of nasal sprays, anti-histamines and repeat prescriptions I approached my doctor and told him I'd has enough of pumping myself full of crap on a daily basis and is there another way. He told me the reasons could be numerous so it would be a waste of time trying to isolate everything and as the nasal sprays and pills had little side effects just to keep taking them, with which he picked up his pen (sponsored by Pfizer) and wrote me another prescription.


I spent months doing my own research, completely cleaned up my diet, started taking a few key supplements, made some lifestyle changes and haven't taken an anti-histamine or used a nasal spray since 2011. Gut problems have evaporated, energy levels risen and quality of life increased. Also, bizarrely, my ability to stay out in the sun has magnified tenfold. I used to burn after 20 minutes now I can sit out for much longer and not burn like a I did. I suppose it's because my insides and general health has improved then so has the largest organ on the human body, the skin.

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completely cleaned up my diet, started taking a few key supplements, made some lifestyle changes


I would suggest that this is the key sentence and the real reason behind your health improvements. Especially as you also say that your energy levels have risen.

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I had the same result.........by cutting out as much dairy as possible managed to clear sinuses.........consultant said it was impossible after looking at ct scans............told me that it was spontaneous remission, whatever that is......clarity of sinuses verified by ct scan.


I recently read that soya can benefit females who are post menopausal but can cause unwanted symptoms in males, can't re-call what those symptoms are!!!!!!!

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I agree manxman1980. Dairy was but a part of a wider clean up operation. However when I slip, as I do now and then as I am partial to a bit of cheese, I can feel it in my sinuses the next morning. Cows milk I can longer stomach thank goodness, just the thought of drinking that puss ridden liquid now makes my stomach turn but when I break the dairy and wheat rule with a cheese on toast by body reminds me of why I abstain.

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I agree manxman1980. Dairy was but a part of a wider clean up operation. However when I slip, as I do now and then as I am partial to a bit of cheese, I can feel it in my sinuses the next morning. Cows milk I can longer stomach thank goodness, just the thought of drinking that puss ridden liquid now makes my stomach turn but when I break the dairy and wheat rule with a cheese on toast by body reminds me of why I abstain.

Genuine question - does it have the same negative effect if you use goat's milk/cheese?

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Haha, good point.


To be honest I would imagine mother nature has it sussed. Human milk is probably best for baby humans, cows milk is best for calfs and goats milk best for goats to drink. They are all different and geared to the relevant species.

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