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Feds Collaborate With Wikipedia Editors to Improve 'Wikipedia Entries Related to Government Publications'




Although this is a first-of-its-kind event for the National Archives, it is not the first time the Wikipedia community has hooked up with federal employees. In May last year when furloughs were hitting some government workers, the D.C. chapter of Wikimedia held a "Furloughed Feds Workshop", a "training seminar and edit-a-thon for federal employees interested in learning more on how to edit Wikipedia."



Interesting. Very interesting.

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Some kind of temporary break in employment. I think the article is referring to last year when the US Government was shut down and some federal employees went without pay. I forget the details of it but it had something to do with the Republicans in Congress refusing to approve Obama's budget unless he included steps to curtail the deficit.

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Wikipedia is only as good as its sources, but even then it is beginning to suffer from Circular reporting.


Someone makes something up and puts it on Wikipedia, a journalist or blogger doesn't fact check and passes this information off as authoritative, other people then quote these people and then the Wikipedia entry is updated with a reference sourcing these secondary sources. And so myths are born, all with seemingly authoritative footnotes and sourcing.



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I've made a few edits to Wikipedia, mainly as a joke to see how long they'd last on there, but also in a semi-serious way.


I once changed the list of worlds most popular surnames, putting 'Throat-Wobbler Mangrove' as the top entry instead of Smith or whatever it was. It was literally seconds before someone else put it back right. Another time, on Peppa Pig's page (One of my kids was of an appropriate age at the time), in the 'controversies' section I made up a bit about Peppa Pig being a cannibal as in one episode she ate a ham and pineapple pizza. That got taken down too.


Generally I find Wikipedia to be pretty good. There's a huge amount of mathematics there, which I use fairly frequently. The medical stuff is usually pretty good also.

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Manxman, that link doesn't work. It says 404 - Page Not Found.


When I use Wikipedia, I go straight to the footnotes to look for links to reliable sources.


That has happened to a few of the links I have posted. Any idea what I am doing wrong?

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I once changed the list of worlds most popular surnames, putting 'Throat-Wobbler Mangrove' as the top entry instead of Smith or whatever it was. It was literally seconds before someone else put it back right. Another time, on Peppa Pig's page (One of my kids was of an appropriate age at the time), in the 'controversies' section I made up a bit about Peppa Pig being a cannibal as in one episode she ate a ham and pineapple pizza. That got taken down too.



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I once changed the list of worlds most popular surnames, putting 'Throat-Wobbler Mangrove' as the top entry instead of Smith or whatever it was. It was literally seconds before someone else put it back right. Another time, on Peppa Pig's page (One of my kids was of an appropriate age at the time), in the 'controversies' section I made up a bit about Peppa Pig being a cannibal as in one episode she ate a ham and pineapple pizza. That got taken down too.



Yeah, but it got boring after 2 or 3 goes. How do you manage to keep it up, now you're at 307 and counting?

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I've made a few edits to Wikipedia, mainly as a joke to see how long they'd last on there, but also in a semi-serious way.


I once changed the list of worlds most popular surnames, putting 'Throat-Wobbler Mangrove' as the top entry instead of Smith or whatever it was. It was literally seconds before someone else put it back right. Another time, on Peppa Pig's page (One of my kids was of an appropriate age at the time), in the 'controversies' section I made up a bit about Peppa Pig being a cannibal as in one episode she ate a ham and pineapple pizza. That got taken down too.


Generally I find Wikipedia to be pretty good. There's a huge amount of mathematics there, which I use fairly frequently. The medical stuff is usually pretty good also.



Regarding the medical stuff, Wiki definitely helped when Mrs Q. developed some very odd symptoms. Her GP was very dismissive (arrogant twat, so he is) and sent her off with yet more medication saying she should try to be less stressful and relax more. I wasn't happy with this and entered into researching her overall symptoms using wiki as a reference. Another appointment made, we set off for the surgery and once again we were faced with this GP who, after a while, asked rather indignantly, ''Do you work at the hospital?'', to which I replied yes (Failing to add only on the maintenance side). Anyway, he reluctantly agreed to send her for the list of blood and hormone tests I'd compiled from wiki. Sure enough, the results showed a possible Pituitary Adenoma, which was what all her symptoms pointed to. An MRI was scheduled and showed not only irregular dimensions to her pituitary but also revealed incidently, an 8mm aneurysm in her brain which turned out to be of such a shape and low physical integrity it posed a great danger to her life!


Over to Walton we went and a successful coiling was performed. On our return, we made another appointment to see her GP which resulted in him getting an expletive-ridden bollocking from me. His arrogance and dismissive attitude could've resulted in fatal consequences so without the aid of wiki she may not be here today.


Don't knock it, it has its uses....

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