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Iraq's 2nd city falls to Al Qaeda militants.


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It'll be a fine day when Tony Blair gets his comeuppence. The parasite is now sounding out about moving into the EU in a senior role. That'll be the reason why he converted to Catholicism when he left office then.

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If I was an Ayatollah and wanted to destabilise Iraq to upset NATO and the US then arguably Mosul is the perfect choice. Turkey is not a NATO member and in strategic terms Mosul is a bit of a non-event.

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It's also the site of the ancient city of Nineveh.

The site of Nineveh is exposed to decay of its reliefs by a lack of proper protective roofing, vandalism and looting holes dug into chamber floors. Future preservation is further compromised by the site's proximity to constantly expanding suburbs.


In an October 2010 report titled Saving Our Vanishing Heritage, Global Heritage Fund named Nineveh one of 12 sites most "on the verge" of irreparable destruction and loss, citing insufficient management, development pressures and looting as primary causes.


Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nineveh


Seems things will only get worse with Al CIAda in charge. I don't think they're too keen on pre-Islamic art and architecture. On the other hand, the US and others have destroyed much of Iraq's Assyrian and Babylonian heritage already, which is after Britain already robbed a load of it and took it to British museums.

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Yes Donald, I think Islam is at the point where Christianity was about 500-400 years ago with it big divides.


There were long wars in Europe over sucession to thrones over religion, people prepared to be martyrs being burnt at the stakes.


We can see it happening in islam now and hope that it does not spill over to the Muslims in Europe. I think it will.

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Since when is Turkey not a NATO member? Reckon it is.

You're right, I was getting confused (excellent lunch in the local Italian). But it's not that they're going to react too much. It's the Iranians playing a merry little game I think.

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I don't think they're too keen on pre-Islamic art and architecture. On the other hand, the US and others have destroyed much of Iraq's Assyrian and Babylonian heritage already, which is after Britain already robbed a load of it and took it to British museums.


Don't knock the British museum. If they hadn't looted a load of stuff from the ancient world no doubt the local original 'owners' would have destroyed it all long ago.

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