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Iraq's 2nd city falls to Al Qaeda militants.


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I don't agree with Boris that he has gone mad, exactly. I do think he is in denial, which is hardly surprising given the consequences of his actions. It beats me how he has any credibility as a peace envoy to the middle east.

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Amazing how he can stand there and deny it with a smile. Hubris filled adventure paid for with other peoples' blood and a whole load of grief stored up for the future.

He denies it with a smile because he is still being handsomely rewarded for his role in bending over backwards for his neocon Zionist buddies. As long as he continues to say the right things in his ridiculous piss-take of a role as Middle Eastern envoy he'll still get to live a jet setting lifestyle paid for by his masters. It's why he left politics, to sell his soul.

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Amazing how he can stand there and deny it with a smile. Hubris filled adventure paid for with other peoples' blood and a whole load of grief stored up for the future.

He denies it with a smile because he is still being handsomely rewarded for his role in bending over backwards for his neocon Zionist buddies. As long as he continues to say the right things in his ridiculous piss-take of a role as Middle Eastern envoy he'll still get to live a jet setting lifestyle paid for by his masters. It's why he left politics, to sell his soul.

he sold his soul when he went into politics according to those who knew him at the time.

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Blair is most certainly in denial. He's a total unprincipled scumbag who sold his soul and can smile all he wants but most fair minded people would rather see him screaming in agony writhing around the floor with acute anal cancer than lecturing us on BBC News about what he thinks is right or wrong about this and defending his and G W Bush's whole farcical foray into Iraq. The guy is total pondlife. I'm sure he renounced catholiscm as he was constantly plagued by visions of an eternity with a fork up his jacksy.

He's not in denial, he's just told so many lies and parroted so much bullshit I think he now genuinely believes it all himself. I think he's become borderline delusional and doesn't see he's actually become a hate figure and a parody of what he thinks he is.

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I didn't know Tony Blair was a Zionist. I thought he was a Papist internationalist neo-Trotskyite. I don't see how destabalising Iraq was of any benefit to the Zionist cause. It has made the region much more volatile. I can't understand how this man was made a Peace Envoy to the Middle East, unless we live in a world where war is peace.

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PMQs: Tapsell and Cameron on Blair Iraq impeachment bid.


"The Father of the House said there was a "growing sentiment" to impeach former Prime Minister Tony Blair for allegedly misleading MPs over the 2003 invasion of Iraq. But David Cameron told Sir Peter Tapsell was is important to see the publication of the Chilcot Inquiry, and blamed Labour for the delays, saying its MPs voted against it four times."


Video: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-27903757

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isis in siria freedom fighters ?

isis in iraq terrorists ?

trained and funded by the usa these are usa assets

the targets will be the 300( now where have i heard that before)usa troops sent in to protect the embassy against a onslaught of 6000 isis.collecting as they go everything the brilliantly trained iraqi troops leave behind as they ditch uniforms and run.

isis will no doubt find gas or wmds that the first bombardment/invasion failed to find. http://abcnews.go.com/International/iraqi-army-left-weapons-hands-terrorists-today/story?id=24070848

so no reg troops on the ground UNTILL the 300 end up in a trench like all the others who come into contact with isis.

usa elections soon obomber needs to look good very soon and shock and awe in the aftermath of a usa bloodbath to the brain dead usa'

the usa needs war to prolong the doller ponzi that is being fcuked by putin and china

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