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Tesco and the greedy local restaurant owner.


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The early bird catches.....................




One of my suppliers had a special on a regular stock item a few weeks back and they put a stupidly low limit on it given how much stock they had at the special rate. Anyway, I bought what I was entitled to and that was that. They're still trying to shift the stock but refuse to let me buy any more at the offer price!

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I noticed a local restaurant owner buying the whole tray of sea bass that Tesco were selling on the "fresh" fish counter last year for 2 quid each, must have been about 30 to 40 fish. Was in the restaurant the next night and 1 of the specials was pan fried sea bass with some other stuff (veg and some such) for 18 quid. Not sure how I feel about it, I had the Hake.

But then the fish wouldn't pay the rent and all the bills then cook itself and jump onto the plate for the customers would it?

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