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another missed opportunity?


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Nova Innovation and ELSA are receiving 1.85 million funding from European investors plus 1.9 million from Scottish Enterprise for the building of the Shetland Tidal Array in Bluemull Sound.


The first underwater turbines will be sited in 2015 and will eventually produce 100kw.


Maybe we should have pursued this option either at the Sound or the Point.


source:-Press association. today.

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Nova Innovation will travel to the European Parliament in Brussels next week to showcase its renewables ambitions and seek further backing to support its future plans.

So they have secured initial investment but are also looking for EU support for the project.


Unfortunately that sort of research and / or development funding is not an option which would be available to IOM companies or consortia - thanks to the direction which the IOM has chosen to go since WW2.

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Whatever the accuracy of the reporting on this matter I still believe that it would have been good for the island if we were a little more ahead on electrical generation from the movement of the sea, either tidal streams or wave motion. I believe we are being left behind, just as we are in the use of electric vehicles.

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Whatever the accuracy of the reporting on this matter I still believe that it would have been good for the island if we were a little more ahead on electrical generation from the movement of the sea, either tidal streams or wave motion. I believe we are being left behind, just as we are in the use of electric vehicles.

There is big scope in generation of energy from tides and wave in my opinion.


What we don't want is to be a test site, without EU susbidies for untried technology - like the state of the art radar system at Reynoldsway

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I think it is a massive missed opportunity not to try and market the IOM to a car manufacturer as a testing ground for Electric cars - surely due to the limited distances and varied terrain and driving conditions we would be perfect. The Electic TT races are in place already as a sales pitch.


With regards the natural energy solutions I had never considered the prospect of us being a place where bad ideas come to die and litter our countryside but that is perhaps a gamble worth taking? I always think back to the smoking ban and how we got our legislation in first then just delayed to be the last place to do it.... either do it first and don't do it and market yourself accordingly instead of being the backward cousin once again.

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I think it is a massive missed opportunity not to try and market the IOM to a car manufacturer as a testing ground for Electric cars - surely due to the limited distances and varied terrain and driving conditions we would be perfect. The Electic TT races are in place already as a sales pitch.

Are you joking ? I'm genuinely not sure.


Electric cars are obviously tested close to where they are developed. And it's the economics of the US state and Federal tax systems which results in electrics cars being developed in California - and the fact that US tech in general is based there.


This Forbes article about Tesla provides some of the detail.

... price ... from $62,400 to $87,400 (including a $7,500 federal tax credit)

Tesla ... sells credits it receives from the state of California for producing zero emissions vehicles to other automakers that aren’t so clean. At up to $35,000 per vehicle, it’s a windfall that has helped keep the company alive, according to Gartner analyst Thilo Koslowski. “At the end of the day, other carmakers are subsidizing Tesla,” Koslowski told the Los Angeles Times.


While true until now, Tesla says those credits will decline as sales spread beyond California and into Europe. In the first quarter, Tesla said credits sold to other automakers amounted to approximately $68 million or 12% of its revenues.

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