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German Night


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Yep, it's time for the "traditional" (well, started it last year...)"German Night" at the Outback tonight (Wednesday), after the live band !


Come down and get shocked by strange music in a language you (maybe) won't understand, listen to all the hits from ze Vaterland (everything from Falco to Rammstein) and experience something really different for a change!


"DJ Amadeus" will take to the decks and teach your ears a lesson they thoroughly deserve


Was a really good night last year and hope to repeat it this time around, with conga around the house and all that..


So no excuses please, if I'm gonna make a total fool out of myself, then I wanna do it in front of a full house! :)



edited for spelling

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Was Zeit es beginnt?

Nach der Band (so um 9 oder 10)

ich möchte gehen, aber ich bin nicht achtzehn

Dann gibt's ja immer noch nächstes Jahr :)

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was ist babbelfish? es ist nicht ein deutsches Wort, das ich verstehe




Just thought you might have used it, as it tends to spit out weird results at times - like translating "sex" as "Geschlecht" - you were asking her if she's old enough to have a gender :)

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Wie komme ich am besten zu 'the outback'. Mit dem Bus oder dem Auto?

Sorry, wenn Du diese Nachricht liest, ist es leider schon vorbei.. Hoffe Du hast es noch zum Outback geschafft - wenn nich, dann gibts ja immer noch nächstes Jahr...


Ok, I'll continue in english:


I hope you were there tonight - just back from it and still smiling :D - if you didn't make it, then you missed a really unique event... Loads of German (and British/Manx) people dancing and singing to German tunes (although I had to throw in a few cheesy dance tunes to soften the blow).


Shirt for a night out: £ 20

Pint of Fosters: £ 2.20

Witnessing locals doing the Conga to German Folk music: absolutely priceless...


Thanks to everyone who was there (rest assured: I was sweating more than you - I play DJ once a year without any practice or experience whatsoever..), and if you weren't, there's still next year!


PS.: Please remember that doing the Conga to Saxonyian folk music may be held against you in a court of law..

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