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A Mysterious Sound Is Driving People Insane

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What's the difference?


They're both restorationist but Jehovah's Witnesses are more millenarianist in their outlook.


Mormonism is a Restoration offshoot of the Second Great Awakening. At the end of the 18th century and early 19th century, America (and, to a lesser extent, Britain) was going through the Second Great Awakening - a religious revival and conservative reactionary movement. It's in this climate that a lot of new churches sprung up. Mormonism started out claiming to restore the truth, claiming that it had been corrupted by the Christian churches. It integrated some of the ideas which were very popular at the time, like the "manifest destiny" of the United States, and the idea of an ancient lost civilisation. If your read spiritualist writings of the same era, they're full of this sort of stuff. in Mormonism's case, this was the Nephites -- Jews who, Smith claimed, went to the Americas shortly before 586 BC. Mormons are henotheists who believe in an infinite regression of gods. They believe that God was once a man on another planet who ascended to godhood by being a Mormon. They believe that by living virtuously as Mormons, they will one day ascend to godhood themselves and have their own planets, and women will have the honour of producing spirit babies for all eternity. They believe Jesus and Satan are brothers of the same (literal) father. The South Park video referenced earlier is a 100% accurate account of Joseph Smith's religion. People should watch the entire episode.


Jehovah's Witnesses started much later, in the latter half of the 19th century, and not by an individual or prophet but by a group of people. They're millenarianists (believing in the imminent arrival of the return of Christ and his literal thousand year rule on earth), and they reject trinitarianism and, being annihilationists, reject the doctrine of eternal damnation.

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I live near the old hospital. Exactly this droning hum every night. Have always presumed it's equipment (industrial dryers perhaps) running. Upside is that along with the high pitched tinnitus I have no room in my head for those voices.

Now you know how anyone trying to listen to you on MW 1368 feels.

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This is a bizarre thread, diverse grounds and all that

Indeed. Mormon in Pully succumbs to low frequency subliminal messages about the toilet tax whilst inadvisedly attempting to tune Aunty Mabel's mangle into 1368 kHz.


Edit: Or am I confused? Well maybe but I definitely saw a red mangle outside a house in Ballaugh only yesterday. It can't have been grandma's old one as I recall hers was green....

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What's the difference?


They're both restorationist but Jehovah's Witnesses are more millenarianist in their outlook.


Mormonism is a Restoration offshoot of the Second Great Awakening. At the end of the 18th century and early 19th century, America (and, to a lesser extent, Britain) was going through the Second Great Awakening - a religious revival and conservative reactionary movement. It's in this climate that a lot of new churches sprung up. Mormonism started out claiming to restore the truth, claiming that it had been corrupted by the Christian churches. It integrated some of the ideas which were very popular at the time, like the "manifest destiny" of the United States, and the idea of an ancient lost civilisation. If your read spiritualist writings of the same era, they're full of this sort of stuff. in Mormonism's case, this was the Nephites -- Jews who, Smith claimed, went to the Americas shortly before 586 BC. Mormons are henotheists who believe in an infinite regression of gods. They believe that God was once a man on another planet who ascended to godhood by being a Mormon. They believe that by living virtuously as Mormons, they will one day ascend to godhood themselves and have their own planets, and women will have the honour of producing spirit babies for all eternity. They believe Jesus and Satan are brothers of the same (literal) father. The South Park video referenced earlier is a 100% accurate account of Joseph Smith's religion. People should watch the entire episode.


Jehovah's Witnesses started much later, in the latter half of the 19th century, and not by an individual or prophet but by a group of people. They're millenarianists (believing in the imminent arrival of the return of Christ and his literal thousand year rule on earth), and they reject trinitarianism and, being annihilationists, reject the doctrine of eternal damnation.


So, the Mormons aren't really Christians


Are the JW's?

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This is a bizarre thread, diverse grounds and all that

Indeed. Mormon in Pully succumbs to low frequency subliminal messages about the toilet tax whilst inadvisedly attempting to tune Aunty Mabel's mangle into 1368 kHz.


Edit: Or am I confused? Well maybe but I definitely saw a red mangle outside a house in Ballaugh only yesterday. It can't have been grandma's old one as I recall hers was green....

This is the joy of having TJ on MF. He comes up with such outrageous, off the wall stuff.

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So, the Mormons aren't really Christians


Are the JW's?


It's not for me to say. Mormons certainly consider themselves to be Christians; their full name is the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. They do believe in Jesus. They're just not mainstream (orthodox) Christian. Jehovah's Witnesses likewise claim to be Christian. Mainstream Christian churches consider both of these groups to be cults teaching a false gospel. It's all a bit like the scene in Gulliver's Travels where two rival nations fight a devastating war over which is the right way to crack an egg.

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So, the Mormons aren't really Christians


Are the JW's?


It's not for me to say. Mormons certainly consider themselves to be Christians; their full name is the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. They do believe in Jesus. They're just not mainstream (orthodox) Christian, but then Jesus wasn't exactly a mainstream guy himself. Jehovah's Witnesses likewise claim to be Christian. Mainstream Trinitarian Christians consider both of these groups to be cults teaching a false gospel.

Blimey. The Popular Front - not as popular as they used to be!



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What's the difference?


They're both restorationist but Jehovah's Witnesses are more millenarianist in their outlook.


Mormonism is a Restoration offshoot of the Second Great Awakening. At the end of the 18th century and early 19th century, America (and, to a lesser extent, Britain) was going through the Second Great Awakening - a religious revival and conservative reactionary movement. It's in this climate that a lot of new churches sprung up. Mormonism started out claiming to restore the truth, claiming that it had been corrupted by the Christian churches. It integrated some of the ideas which were very popular at the time, like the "manifest destiny" of the United States, and the idea of an ancient lost civilisation. If your read spiritualist writings of the same era, they're full of this sort of stuff. in Mormonism's case, this was the Nephites -- Jews who, Smith claimed, went to the Americas shortly before 586 BC. Mormons are henotheists who believe in an infinite regression of gods. They believe that God was once a man on another planet who ascended to godhood by being a Mormon. They believe that by living virtuously as Mormons, they will one day ascend to godhood themselves and have their own planets, and women will have the honour of producing spirit babies for all eternity. They believe Jesus and Satan are brothers of the same (literal) father. The South Park video referenced earlier is a 100% accurate account of Joseph Smith's religion. People should watch the entire episode.


Jehovah's Witnesses started much later, in the latter half of the 19th century, and not by an individual or prophet but by a group of people. They're millenarianists (believing in the imminent arrival of the return of Christ and his literal thousand year rule on earth), and they reject trinitarianism and, being annihilationists, reject the doctrine of eternal damnation.


So, the Mormons aren't really Christians


Are the JW's?

Which JW's? The John Wright's,or the Juan Watterson's?

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So here we have a thread to compare our mysterious noises. Not heard a hum, but ever since I've been on the Island I've hear dull thuds that are very low frequency and almost seem to come at you through the ground. Heard them in various locations on the Island and wondered whether it's quarry blasting, range practice at sea, earth movements etc. I'm not certain. It can happen at all times of the day although never at the dead of night so far as I've heard, and sometimes several instances in quick succession. Any ideas?

I've heard the thuds as well and just presumed it was quarry blasting too.

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So here we have a thread to compare our mysterious noises. Not heard a hum, but ever since I've been on the Island I've hear dull thuds that are very low frequency and almost seem to come at you through the ground. Heard them in various locations on the Island and wondered whether it's quarry blasting, range practice at sea, earth movements etc. I'm not certain. It can happen at all times of the day although never at the dead of night so far as I've heard, and sometimes several instances in quick succession. Any ideas?

I'm glad you mentioned this, Wooley. I heard distant, heavy thumps last Wednesday from Marine Drive. It was almost cloudless, but there were clouds over the Cumbrian mountains, and my first thought was that there was a thunderstorm over there. Didn't particularly look like thunder clouds, though. Several people noticed them, and they were powerful enough to feel rather than just hear.

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