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Why is the word cunt so offensive?


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Its not a very pretty word yet it is supposed to describe something wonderful and beautiful in a negative way, so its just an inappropriate word.


The OP used 'fuck' at the end of his lame youtube vid to show how 'on the edge' he was just like he started a thread about the word cunt, just shows a very sexually immature person who probably refers to the success of a night out as to what base he got to.

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You're so 1970 you should change your name smile.png People empower swear words, the adage of "only stupid people with slack vocabularies swear" is nonsense, as if SM is of limited anything, huh.


cross posting with sm, the above was in reply to Manxman1980


A swear word in the right place, at the right time is perfect! What I object to is those who cannot string a sentence together without including a number of swear words. I am sorry but in that context there is no empowerment.



So you never read your own comments then?


Oo, I do love a challenge! Go on, assuming you are being serious, link some comments of mine which you consider to be weird, and I bet I can explain them to you and show you the error of your perception. I bet you can't even find a weird one. I'll take an absence of a reply as proof of that.


I am not going to de-rail this thread for you, do your own dirty work.

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I am not going to de-rail this thread for you, do your own dirty work.


Lol, a very poor effort, although one I had predicted to myself. 0 out of 10 I'm afraid. If you do find any post I make weird, it's probably because you're a bit too thick to understand it. I'm happy to explain anything you don't get though! Just ask!

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it's interesting how personal this got from j2bad and tatters - I will be sure to be shaken to my core by anonymous posters opinions


it was an honest question and I am enjoying the opinions and debate

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it's interesting how personal this got from j2bad and tatters - I will be sure to be shaken to my core by anonymous posters opinions


it was an honest question and I am enjoying the opinions and debate


Funny I bet you found the use of 'lame' more offensive than 'cunt', and that's because all good insults have an element of truth, calling someone a cunt is pointless and a bit stupid and to say it to sound edgy just shows a real lack of depth.

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it's interesting how personal this got from j2bad and tatters - I will be sure to be shaken to my core by anonymous posters opinions


it was an honest question and I am enjoying the opinions and debate


Surely understandable when you started another thread subtitled 'J2bad is a cunt', after I made a comment on you posting several restaurant reviews in which you ate Burger and Chips at every establishment and said stuff like it was not good but I might go again or other such bland-ism.


You obviously use this word in your limited vocabulary so perhaps you should explain why you use it, were you trying to move me to tears, or were you trying to sound cool and edgy in front of the other kids on the playground?

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Why is it offensive? Because a sufficient number of people in favour of women's rights have successfully argued that it exemplifies the objectification of women and their bodies.


It is using a part of a women's body to insult and verbally abuse people - the message that conveys is pernicious and says something about society's attitude to women.


You only have to read the Youtube comments when someone tries to point this out to see the truth of people using sexual words and imagery of sexual violence to intimidate people. That particular internet phenomenon really does show just how misogynistic some people can be.


Raising consciousness about misogyny has made people stand up and say it is unacceptable to use the word.


Rhummsa - I think you know and understand this.


It is a nasty word exemplifying both conscious and unconscious sexism.


Do you really need this explaining to you?

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Weirdest comment I've ever read on here that one.

That is some accolade on MF.


Well yes, exactly, but what on earth does it mean? Will anyone hazard a guess? Should someone be looking under AT's patio?


If you would like some help understanding AT's post please just ask nicely and I will tell you.

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Chinnahannd - because you feel you understand something do you believe it is not allowed to be discussed on a forum or for people to have opinions on the offensiveness of the word?

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