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Why is the word cunt so offensive?


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As for the particular word in question, if it was ever used in my household, the user would not be welcome to remain or return here. It is an entirely misogynistic word that is specifically designed to shock by being crude and offensive; reducing something beautiful to a guttural and harsh sounding expletive that is inevitably more demeaning of the user than his (and rarely her) intended victim.



Lol. And lol. And lol. The Manx Dostoyevsky!


I love the way people show their disgust on a subject, but then have proved to be as guilty as their accused. Hypocrisy at its finest.

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to be fair Lonan has been pretty consistent with his disgust of PL/TSM!


In fact he probably thinks the guy is a right cu....lpable degrader of the forums

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to be fair Lonan has been pretty consistent with his disgust of PL/TSM!


PL is not TSM, but I have been looking through PL's posts to see what might have riled Lonan so much to warrant such an obsession. I haven't really found anything to be honest, but I've got to say PL is very funny!

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Why is it offensive? Because a sufficient number of people in favour of women's rights have successfully argued that it exemplifies the objectification of women and their bodies.


It is using a part of a women's body to insult and verbally abuse people - the message that conveys is pernicious and says something about society's attitude to women.


Would you regard the widespread use of 'dick', 'prick', 'dickhead' etc. as insults as misandry and the objectification of men's bodies?

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Would you regard the widespread use of 'dick', 'prick', 'dickhead' etc. as insults as misandry and the objectification of men's bodies?


I wouldn't. Offence is in the eye of the beholder as it were. In Scotland, certainly within a certain generation, calling a woman a cow is just as, if not more offensive as calling them the subject of this thread. As I found out to my cost as a child!

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it seems to have overtaken the word fuck as being the most offensive word you can say but why?


Twat is surely a similar word but seems to get by ok


I wonder who decides what words are more offensive than others?


I don't find these words all that offensive, mainly because they are impersonal. You can call someone a cunt and it's just an all-purpose insult which doesn't really hurt their feelings. It's when people say things which are personally offensive about a person, even without profanity, that the line is drawn with me.


As for profanities, I try to keep them to a minimum.

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As for profanities, I try to keep them to a minimum.


Interesting comment, however, given what you said in your post could you explain why you would then keep profanities to a minimum?


Because although I don't find them offensive, other people do find them offensive. I don't like children to repeat them so I would avoid using profanity in front of children. Sure, they might already know it, but the more adults they hear using profanity, the more they become desensitised to it and as you desensitise people to vulgar language, you desensitise them to vulgarity in general. I guess what I am saying is that language is integral to the character of a culture, which is why I like language to be kept civilised.

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