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Why is the word cunt so offensive?


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Because although I don't find them offensive, other people do find them offensive. I don't like children to repeat them so I would avoid using profanity in front of children. Sure, they might already know it, but the more adults they hear using profanity, the more they become desensitised to it and as you desensitise people to vulgar language, you desensitise them to vulgarity in general. I guess what I am saying is that language is integral to the character of a culture, which is why I like language to be kept civilised.


Great post, sums up exactly why I never swear, and particularly never use the word this thread is about.

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Why is it offensive? Because a sufficient number of people in favour of women's rights have successfully argued that it exemplifies the objectification of women and their bodies.


It is using a part of a women's body to insult and verbally abuse people - the message that conveys is pernicious and says something about society's attitude to women.


Would you regard the widespread use of 'dick', 'prick', 'dickhead' etc. as insults as misandry and the objectification of men's bodies?

Synecdoche is the literary devise of taking a part to represent the whole. I think it has deep resonances within psychology which is why it can be such a powerful literary device.


There is a segment of feminist ideology which is misandric and does objectify the male member contemptuously - I can remember Linda McCartney doing it once a long time ago, such feminists also love statements like a male brain is a female brain damaged by testosterone (which has a limited truth given fetal development).


But I think the use of words like dick, prick and dickhead aren't really a part of that, their resonances are far older - the psychology of why we use these words connected with male sexuality for these synecdoches is deeply Freudian.


Both the c-word and these insults take a core part of us and twist them into insult, violence and shame; they are about objectification - as is the use of the word shit.


Feminism has attempted to raise consciousness about the relationship between the c-word and misogyny. Male dominance over women is a deep sociological and psychological issue - as is the male behaviour which results in them being dicks - google: Phil Plait Don't be a dick.


I do think it is worthwhile to try to understand and reduce the behaviours that generate these type of insults and use these words to attack people. Male violent and selfish behaviours - being a dick - and the mosogyny that thinks making rape threats and calling people the c-word can create problems.


Not every use of these words is like this - but some are and for all the peanut galleries shock tactics often being amusing, other attempts are crude and others more sinister.

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Thanks for the answer. I would agree that some use of female anatomical descriptors as insults is misogynistic, intended to objectify and depreciate the feature and by extension women generally. This is especially the case when these insults are directed at women by men. The weight that these insults carry is linked to the privileged position of male discourse in society.


I'm glad you agree that not all such use equates to misogyny. I feel that in most cases there is little semantic difference between common vulgarities that make insults out of body parts and functions.


I watched the Phil Plait talk, by the way. It seemed to have little relevance to this particular discussion, but I have long agreed with the main thrust of his argument that the best way to evince someone of the correctness of your opinion on something is not through brute force of reason.

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It's an old Saxon or Norse (I'm not sure which) for a scabbard. I like the fact that we have proper swear words. When you use them at the correct time then you really do make a point. Finish every sentence with a profanity then you just sound a bit thick.


Klunge does not have the same effect.


Editted to add: My fave vulgarities are;








There is a link I think.

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A lot of men with a lot to say about how offensive the use of this word is, isn't there?


Ironically you haven't said why you find this word so offensive. I note from rooting around PL's history that you left the forum for good not that long ago as a result of the use of the word in question. It's great that you've got over that now and have returned, but perhaps you'd like to share with the forum quite what it is about this word that you find so insulting? (I am of course assuming you are a woman? Sorry if that's not the case!)

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So did PL - but came back as The Sick Moon, not having the nerve to admit being wrong.


For goodness sake, this thing is driving you crazy! There's only so many times I can try to put you right, really, you've got to let it go, it's actually starting to get a bit creepy now.

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A lot of men with a lot to say about how offensive the use of this word is, isn't there?


Ironically you haven't said why you find this word so offensive. I note from rooting around PL's history that you left the forum for good not that long ago as a result of the use of the word in question.

So did PL - but came back as The Sick Moon, not having the nerve to admit being wrong.




So did PL - but came back as The Sick Moon, not having the nerve to admit being wrong.


For goodness sake, this thing is driving you crazy! There's only so many times I can try to put you right, really, you've got to let it go, it's actually starting to get a bit creepy now.

Perhaps you should just admit it PL/TSM, we didn't all come over on the morning boat !


Another fine example of you purporting to pose a serious question to a poster who you went out of your way to offend in the past and now you want to continue to bully.


You went out of your way to offend me in the Karl Harris thread based on your admitted penchant for spying on courting couples on Box Hill, you went on to make a defamatory remark about myself (which I referred to the mods).


You really do bear a grudge and I regard you as "a bit creepy" ,pathetically attempting to justify your sad existence .


Your mum may have loved you but …………….

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Perhaps you should just admit it PL/TSM, we didn't all come over on the morning boat !


Another fine example of you purporting to pose a serious question to a poster who you went out of your way to offend in the past and now you want to continue to bully.


You went out of your way to offend me in the Karl Harris thread based on your admitted penchant for spying on courting couples on Box Hill, you went on to make a defamatory remark about myself (which I referred to the mods).


You really do bear a grudge and I regard you as "a bit creepy" ,pathetically attempting to justify your sad existence .


Your mum may have loved you but …………….


Lol, nice try but I'm not biting! You and Lonan will get bored of your trolling soon enough!

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