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'Irresponsible' Jaguar car adverts banned by watchdog for glorifying high speeds and 'encouraging dangerous driving'




Four Jaguar car adverts have been banned for glorifying high speeds and ‘encouraging dangerous driving’.

Advertising watchdogs were unhappy that Jaguar’s ‘irresponsible’ focus on the speed and acceleration of their cars was emphasised by the sound of engines being revved and high tempo music.


It's a sports car. Are those anal advertising numpties from the same school of thought as the "Anyone going over 70 is a criminal" UK police brigade?


Related story about that car a freind of mine here told me. He's a car journo and was invited for the global launch event of the F type. Jaguar would have liked to do that in the UK (being British and all that) but some noise regulations meant they couldn't, or it would have been too much bother, so they did it in Spain instead.

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It's a sports car, of course people want to see it driven fast. How many people go racing their Mondeos after watching the F1? Load of bollocks.

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186mph? Is that all? Lightweight. There are much faster cars than that around and I bet the adverts for those haven't been banned! It's nannying political correctness gone mad. The health and safety nazis will have us all walking everywhere in padded suits soon. You'll see.

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The health and safety nazis will have us all walking everywhere in padded suits soon. You'll see.

...daylight walking lights...

Thank goodness; it should lead to a reduction in collisions, as it does for motor vehicles!


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