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Virtual Cops Needed?


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Buying and selling gaming artefacts such as imaginary weapons is a booming business on the web.


The internet games section of Ebay saw more than $9m (£5m) in trades in 2003.

Maybe I don't appreciate the worth of virtual weapons etc. to those who 'work' for them, and in my limited opinion if they want to defeat the object of a game by 'buying' their progress and spend their money on pixels, then good luck to them. But murder? FFS, it's only a game.

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I imagine though for a lot of people gaming has become their life.


And even petty arguments over really trvial matters can spiral out of control.


This doesn't surpise me at all.


The parents of the dead man are planning to appeal against the sentence.

"We want Qui to die, and immediately," he (father) added.


Fantastic quote mind.

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Ripsaw: But murder? FFS, it's only a game.


Ans: As is football....

Oddly enough I don't support violence of any form in determining the outcome of a given scenario. Virtual worlds, football, whatever..


(/pedantic: Organised sports such as boxing are not included in that statement)

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Well he most likely would have whacked someone at some point or another whether it be because of a virtua sword or because he got shortchanged in a shop or whatever. Obviously a headcase.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I had someone "steal" something from me in an online game once. The perpetrator being in America and me being in the UK at the time I guess he thought there was nothing anyone could do.

A couple of hours of careful net snooping later and I e-mailed him a satellite photo of his house and suggested if he didn't return the goods I'd call round to see him ... Americans are so gullible :)

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