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Obama: "Today there isn't a nation on Earth that wouldn't gladly trade places with the United States!"

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...adds Paranoid Delusion to the informal, finger-tick list...


There's nothing particularly delusional about what TJ said. Those are facts (except for the last bit). The USA puts forth a poisonous and insidious nationalist ideology and neo-colonialist world view. It has a militarised police force, and an absolutely scandalous level of incarceration. Children swear allegiance to the flag and state every day at school. If we saw this happening in another country we would scream 'indoctrination'. Christian fundamentalism is rife. Alongside it goes ignorance. These indoctrinated, undereducated, criminalised classes are running about with loaded guns stuffed in their trousers.


But we're all so used to America, on the TV, in the movies, that it seems perfectly normal. It's not. The USA is a fucked up, decaying, civilisation. I wouldn't live there for a million.

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I wouldn't trade it because I am very fond of the Island, Britain and Europe in general. But there is a huge amount I like about the USA, music, literature and people. There's another USA that isn't neo-con, gun toting or illiberal. Try listening to NPR, or podcasts like "The Moth"' "This American Life" or "News from Night a Vale" for a different view.

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I wouldn't trade it because I am very fond of the Island, Britain and Europe in general. But there is a huge amount I like about the USA, music, literature and people. There's another USA that isn't neo-con, gun toting or illiberal. Try listening to NPR, or podcasts like "The Moth"' "This American Life" or "News from Night a Vale" for a different view.

+ 1


And of course many of the technological achievements we take for granted to make our soft lives easier. America is far from perfect but it's a hell of a lot better than most places. Much of the downer that Europeans have on America is jealousy and inverted snobbery. America also has a more realistic view of the threats faced by the West than does the EU for example.

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