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Port Erin Marine Research Station

Boo Gay'n

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The moral of the story is, if you are going to burn a building down do it properly, eg see Majestic Hotel and the Royalty Cinema for details.



I am not condoning the burning down of buildings. This Island is too full of slack-arsed greedy developers with no imagination and ability, but loadsamoney.

Edited by gettafa
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2 hours ago, Derek Flint said:

It will be a big undertaking for whoever takes it on. remember Hamish Ross spent a lot of money on his concept only to be thwarted by planning. I think it has made other potential investors very cautious.

It’s the message they send out to potential investors in the IOM that’s wrong. No wonder few people want to invest here. It’s no different to the holiday development in Bride. Can’t see him wanting to spend a penny here in future either. Those plans Hamish did formthe Marine Biological Station were good and would have boosted the economy in PE. What’s left now? A shitty half burned down eyesore that makes the end of PE promenade look like Aleppo. There’s so many total idiots in government here doing all this stuff that’s holding back the economy they should be ashamed. I was in Laxey at the weekend and there’s a similar burned out eyesore there sitting at the end of the prom. Again all plans to develop it have been turned down by ‘experts’ so it’s just another festering bombed out shit-tip that makes the Island look like third world country. 

This Island has had it I’m afraid. Nobody in their right mind would risk investing into it while that sort of attitude pervades from people with too much power and too big a chip on their shoulders. 

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1 hour ago, x-in-man said:

Port Erin commissioners don’t want anything there.  It’ll entice people to visit and all those cars will interrupt Countdown and be driving around after diner time at 5. 


I agree with you there and it’s not just PE it’s the whole Island. I reckon sometime soon the DHSC will be issuing people with 365 beta-blockers as a free present every Christmas just so everyone else can go through life at the same pace as the public sector here and not want to climb the walls from living in our communist [badly] managed economy that sustains their incompetence. Nobody wants anything good or creative to happen to polute the poisonous complacent over funded bubble these idiots live in. 

Edited by thesultanofsheight
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nicked from the brochure....


This is a rare investment opportunity to acquire a large, detached site situated in a desirable location in
the south of the Isle of Man. Please note, this building is not registered.

Planning consent exists in principle for conversion into a Marine Interpretation Centre including an
associated retail unit and cafe, dive centre, offices for marine related businesses and a 20 bedroom
hotel with parking and landscaping.

The Department of Infrastructure may be prepared to make additional land available to facilitate a
more comprehensive redevelopment of the area including potential marina development within part
of the adjoining harbour area.


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32 minutes ago, TheTeapot said:

Sometimes Sultan you are an incredibly negative poster and I wonder what has happened in your life to make you so cross. Your above comment however is entirely correct.

I’m not cross in the least. Just say it as it is. If other people don’t like that it’s tough as I get enough likes over the range of posts I make. The fact is though that yet again we have people who are employed by the taxpayer to apparently make our Island better who are actively making it worse for their own benefit. I don’t think anyone denies that the Marine Centre plan should have gone ahead and should have been actively endorsed by 100% of the people  whose job it is to ensure the Islands economy grows - especially the PE Commissioners who are now left with an eyesore blotting the town instead of a vibrant business employing people who will spend money in the towns shops, bars and restaurants. 

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13 minutes ago, Gizo said:

Port Erin commissioners are a complete non entity. In my lifetime I can’t think of one positive thing they have contributed to the community. But all the Wattersons have a commissioner house.  

They have managed their patch and the 500m of road that leads to the next authority area with great skill and fiscal care. It must be, they keep telling everybody.

Mind, if you were next door to PSM it's not hard to look good...?

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3 hours ago, thesultanofsheight said:

 PE Commissioners who are now left with an eyesore blotting the town instead of a vibrant business employing people who will spend money in the towns shops, bars and restaurants. 

Someone tried to burn it down and all the locals moaned - should have let it burn = no eyesore

Scientists looking at variations of mullet and seaweed is not a vibrant business

Port Erin has a hardware store and a shop with faded 80's shoes in the window, and now a cycle shop for ££££££ droppies and BMX's 

Bar's and restaurants = pubs and chippy

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