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Government trolls - British spy agency manipulating online discussions

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The Worst Trolls On The Internet Are The Government Trolls

by Michael Snyder | New American | July 16, 2014


We have all run into them. All over the Internet, there are horrible trolls that seem to delight in making life miserable for other people. But the worst trolls of all are the government trolls. And thanks to Edward Snowden, we now have some startling new evidence of what really goes on behind the scenes.


According to newly revealed documents, British spy agency GCHQ is manipulating online discussions, infiltrating the computers of specific targets, purposely destroying reputations, altering the results of online polls, and using Twitter, Facebook and YouTube for propaganda and espionage purposes. If people don’t start getting outraged about this now, the governments of the western world are going to see it as a green light to do even more. Eventually, it might get so bad that we won’t be able to trust much of anything that we see on the Internet.


There is a lot about the Internet that is really awful, but one great thing about it is the fact that it has allowed average individuals to communicate on a mass scale unlike ever before. As the general population has become aware of how powerful of a tool the Internet can be, the elite have become extremely alarmed. Unlike so many other things in our society, it has not been something that they have been able to easily control.


But the elite have been starting to catch up to all of this new technology and are learning how to use it for their own purposes. Thanks to Snowden, we now have a list of specific tools that GCHQ has been using to manipulate the Internet.


Read the rest at: http://www.infowars.com/the-worst-trolls-on-the-internet-are-the-government-trolls/


Hang on a minute. The British Government engage in this sort of thing. The IOM Government, with its management being almost entirely sourced from the British Government, usually copies the British Government. Would it be reasonable to suppose the IOM Government engage in this? I think the vitriol I get on here whenever I criticise the Government answers that question.

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The Worst Trolls On The Internet Are The Government Trolls

by Michael Snyder | New American | July 16, 2014


We have all run into them. All over the Internet, there are horrible trolls that seem to delight in making life miserable for other people. But the worst trolls of all are the government trolls. And thanks to Edward Snowden, we now have some startling new evidence of what really goes on behind the scenes.


According to newly revealed documents, British spy agency GCHQ is manipulating online discussions, infiltrating the computers of specific targets, purposely destroying reputations, altering the results of online polls, and using Twitter, Facebook and YouTube for propaganda and espionage purposes. If people don’t start getting outraged about this now, the governments of the western world are going to see it as a green light to do even more. Eventually, it might get so bad that we won’t be able to trust much of anything that we see on the Internet.


There is a lot about the Internet that is really awful, but one great thing about it is the fact that it has allowed average individuals to communicate on a mass scale unlike ever before. As the general population has become aware of how powerful of a tool the Internet can be, the elite have become extremely alarmed. Unlike so many other things in our society, it has not been something that they have been able to easily control.


But the elite have been starting to catch up to all of this new technology and are learning how to use it for their own purposes. Thanks to Snowden, we now have a list of specific tools that GCHQ has been using to manipulate the Internet.


Read the rest at: http://www.infowars.com/the-worst-trolls-on-the-internet-are-the-government-trolls/


Hang on a minute. The British Government engage in this sort of thing. The IOM Government, with its management being almost entirely sourced from the British Government, usually copies the British Government. Would it be reasonable to suppose the IOM Government engage in this? I think the vitriol I get on here whenever I criticise the Government answers that question.


Any criticism, or counter opinion (which it really is), is probably more based on the size of the IoM and its Government and then any need or purpose to them engaging in this sort of activity. The Isle of Man is a beautiful place but despite what Alan Bell et al say it has the presence of a parish council on the World stage.

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The IoM government doesn't have to pay trolls to sway online discussions, it employs thousands of very well paid idiots who will argue it's case for them as they know it's their only salvation of a job other than flipping burgers.

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I assume that the source is reliable and has been thoroughly checked to ensure that this is not some form of counter-espionage or propaganda from an anti-western government/society?


A previous poster (CrossRoss, who has been very quiet recently) used to go on about Government Shills and posted several rather dubious links. I still have my doubts over whether the Government has enough resources to infiltrate the internet so thoroughly that they can monitor and engage in such activities on all the available outlets. Add to that the Government is notoriously bad at covering things up effectively and it makes you wonder about whether it would be possible.


I am not saying that it is impossible just that I find it rather unlikely that this is happening beyond a small selective target group. Then relying on others to filter messages out. If you take this view though you really cannot believe anything on the internet as validating the source becomes virtually impossible.

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Ask yourself this:


Would the government propaganda machine bother to rack up thousands of unrelated posts under a multitude of handles just so they can counter your muddled arguments?


You are way in the rabbit hole amigo. Need to ease yourself out slowly so your head doesn't fall off.

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Ask yourself this:


Would the government propaganda machine bother to rack up thousands of unrelated posts under a multitude of handles just so they can counter your muddled arguments?


You are way in the rabbit hole amigo. Need to ease yourself out slowly so your head doesn't fall off.


Of course the government wouldn't do that. Did I say they would? No, amigo.

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I assume that the source is reliable and has been thoroughly checked to ensure that this is not some form of counter-espionage or propaganda from an anti-western government/society?


A previous poster (CrossRoss, who has been very quiet recently) used to go on about Government Shills and posted several rather dubious links. I still have my doubts over whether the Government has enough resources to infiltrate the internet so thoroughly that they can monitor and engage in such activities on all the available outlets. Add to that the Government is notoriously bad at covering things up effectively and it makes you wonder about whether it would be possible.


I am not saying that it is impossible just that I find it rather unlikely that this is happening beyond a small selective target group. Then relying on others to filter messages out. If you take this view though you really cannot believe anything on the internet as validating the source becomes virtually impossible.


What? Where are you getting the bizarre conclusion that "you really cannot believe anything on the internet"? That is not what is being said here.

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