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Government trolls - British spy agency manipulating online discussions

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Now that these three government shills have posted misleading information, let's return to the actual point: government persons are going onto internet sites and posting misinformation. That doesn't mean internet sites are unreliable. It means we need to keep in mind that people commenting on sites like this may be government trolls posting misinformation. That by obvious logic means they're posting misinformation because other people are posting reliable information which they are trying to counter.

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Now that these three government shills have posted misleading information, let's return to the actual point: government persons are going onto internet sites and posting misinformation. That doesn't mean internet sites are unreliable. It means we need to keep in mind that people commenting on sites like this may be government trolls posting misinformation. That by obvious logic means they're posting misinformation because other people are posting reliable information which they are trying to counter.


By that logic maybe you're a government shill.

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no doubt TJ and his sock puppets will now be telling us that the recent outage was so that government monitoring software could be installed





it wasn't for installing - we were just upgrading the previous software

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The anger trolling is a certain persons specialist territory and I've often wondered if the following is the actual MO used.


Thread starts about something vaguely political


Within 3 posts IOMG troll team manager (no names but we know who) says something like "And I also saw Allan Bell punch a dog in the face on his way to work this morning"


Another poster responds ”Wouldn't be surprised he's a disgrace and punching a dog in the face makes you a right scumbag"


The thread escalates and 10 people end up berating Bell for everything from the VAT bubble to punching dogs in the face.


That then gives someones lawyer scope to go the admins to get IP details of whoever said any of the really stupid stuff. Nothing ever happens in terms of action but the troll remains anonymous and gets the other posters to shop who they are.


Given the rate a certain person creates and derails threads with random inflammatory bullshit, and subsequently deletes a huge number of these, you really do have to question the ultimate reasons behind all that activity.

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Now that these three government shills have posted misleading information, let's return to the actual point: government persons are going onto internet sites and posting misinformation. That doesn't mean internet sites are unreliable. It means we need to keep in mind that people commenting on sites like this may be government trolls posting misinformation. That by obvious logic means they're posting misinformation because other people are posting reliable information which they are trying to counter.


Are you sure about that? If we consider that most people posting on the internet are, to all intents and purposes, anonymous then how can you verify a source and the accuracy of the information they post?


There is a poll on here about anonymity of posters on manxforums which kind of highlights this point. Particularly the example given by one user of their name and photograph being used by another person.


If we take Stu_Peters as an example, how do we know that this is the real Stu Peters posting? Well if we know him we can ask and given that he is pretty well known that is not to difficult to verify. If, however, I was to post under the name of John Kennaugh and said I worked in the customer support department for a bank how would you verify that?


Accusing someone of being a Government agent is a bit laughable really as surely that tactic could just as easily be used by a Government agent to discredit someone else.


Just my point of view...

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