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Israel vs. the rest of the world?


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You do have to wonder why, when the international media are embedded in Gaza, we never see any Hamas activists or soldiers in the news clips, no men (or women) and youths with their faces covered, no rockets, no guns or hardware, nobody digging tunnels....nothing. Only civilians - some of whom I doubt are civilians. You could be forgiven for thinking that Hamas aren't even in Gaza, such is the media's inability to ever catch any of them on camera. I don't think the West's media in Gaza are intentionally biased, but they're certainly being lead around on a piece of string like a pig in the ring by Hamas.

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So far, Israel has shown remarkable restraint,

Some would say that generally, on average since 1946 they haven't and that's the problem.



Perhaps fairer to say it has always been a two-way thing. Israel has had to defend itself on numerous occasions against coalitions of arab forces, out-numbered and isolated. The threat is always there.


That is all....

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You do have to wonder why, when the international media are embedded in Gaza, we never see any Hamas activists or soldiers in the news clips, no men (or women) and youths with their faces covered, no rockets, no guns or hardware, nobody digging tunnels....nothing. Only civilians - some of whom I doubt are civilians. You could be forgiven for thinking that Hamas aren't even in Gaza, such is the media's inability to ever catch any of them on camera. I don't think the West's media in Gaza are intentionally biased, but they're certainly being lead around on a piece of string like a pig in the ring by Hamas.

Official Hamas Interior Ministry Instructions To Social Media Activists:


The Hamas interior ministry has issued guidelines to Gaza Strip social media users for reporting events and discussing them with outsiders.


The ministry's guidelines, which it is calling the "Be Aware – Social Media Activist Awareness Campaign," were issued via an instructional video posted on its official website and via posters published on its Twitter and Facebook pages.


"Anyone killed or martyred is to be called a civilian from Gaza or Palestine, before we talk about his status in jihad or his military rank. Don't forget to always add 'innocent civilian' or 'innocent citizen' in your description of those killed in Israeli attacks on Gaza."


I was watching the Channel 4 News tonight and could scarcely believe the poor quality of its reporting from Gaza.

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Of course it's a two way thing to an extent. However Israel has had the upper hand with other's help for a considerable time now and they won't let up until all those pesky arabs have gone. FFS how long have they had nukes? How does that stack up with being out numbered and isolated?


I think most people whichever side they take on this realise that the Palestinians are the outnumbered and isolated ones. I've had this view for 20+ years btw.

Edited by ballaughbiker
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Of course it's a two way thing to an extent. However Israel has had the upper hand with other's help for a considerable time now and they won't let up until all those pesky arabs have gone. FFS how long have they had nukes? How does that stack up with being out numbered and isolated?


I think most people whichever side they take on this realise that the Palestinians are the outnumbered and isolated ones. I've had this view for 20+ years btw.


Ludicruous. The "Palestinians" are Arabs, and they are not outnumbered or isolated -- they have at least 24 countries and there are hundreds of millions of them. Israel is the isolated and outnumbered one. As for Israel and nukes, we don't know if they have them or not (it could be a bluff) and they're of no practical defence use except as a deterrent.

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TJ you know damn well I was not referring all the surrounding Arabic countries. Any suggestion that Gaza is not outnumbered and isolated is truly ludicrous.


But that's the point, isn't it? Israel and the Palestinian Territories are surrounded by Arab countries. They are just a tiny little area in a region which is majority Arab. Meanwhile, the Israelis are universally despised by anti-semites everywhere.

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It turns out that the 'Palestians' are the invention of Yasser Arafat. There's a huge can of worms involved, it's worth digging because what emerges apart from being fascinating adds a number of dimensions that actually show the Israelis in an even better light. Indeed remarkable restraint and total reasonableness from the outset in 1947.


One source, and obviously it can't be taken as impartial but it is a very good starting point is a site called the Jewish virtual library. For anyone who wants to really learn about a very great deal it's a very good kicking off point.

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TJ you know damn well I was not referring all the surrounding Arabic countries. Any suggestion that Gaza is not outnumbered and isolated is truly ludicrous.

But that's the point, isn't it? Israel and the Palestinian Territories are surrounded by Arab countries. They are just a tiny little area in a region which is majority Arab. Meanwhile, the Israelis are universally despised by anti-semites everywhere.

It would seem that having Israel is very useful as an enemy to focus malcontents on rather than have them make trouble within the borders of a number of neighbouring states. In addition being overtly antagonistic to Israel earns leaders brownie points.

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Of course it's a two way thing to an extent. However Israel has had the upper hand with other's help for a considerable time now and they won't let up until all those pesky arabs have gone. FFS how long have they had nukes? How does that stack up with being out numbered and isolated?


I think most people whichever side they take on this realise that the Palestinians are the outnumbered and isolated ones. I've had this view for 20+ years btw.

Ludicruous. The "Palestinians" are Arabs, and they are not outnumbered or isolated -- they have at least 24 countries and there are hundreds of millions of them. Israel is the isolated and outnumbered one. As for Israel and nukes, we don't know if they have them or not (it could be a bluff) and they're of no practical defence use except as a deterrent.


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Nuclear weapons are unique in so many ways. For one thing they are only of use as a weapon of defence. For another the moment one is used no matter the death toll it is tantamount to mass suicide for the state that used it.

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