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Israel vs. the rest of the world?


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Good speech from a Rabbi at a rally in Manchester.

So where's the proof he is as he appears? A get up such as he is wearing can be rented from most theatrical costumiers ant those Pe'at don't look right to me.


Yes, quite !, and you suggested that I was pissed last night ? smile.png

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Good speech from a Rabbi at a rally in Manchester.


So where's the proof he is as he appears? A get up such as he is wearing can be rented from most theatrical costumiers ant those Pe'at don't look right to me.

Yes, quite !, and you suggested that I was pissed last night ? :)

do you actually know what Pe'at are?
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Good speech from a Rabbi at a rally in Manchester.

So where's the proof he is as he appears? A get up such as he is wearing can be rented from most theatrical costumiers ant those Pe'at don't look right to me.

Yes, quite !, and you suggested that I was pissed last night ? smile.png

do you actually know what Pe'at are?

Not a clue and nor does Google (in my browser) it seems. (not that I give a fuck)

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There was never an Arab state of Palestine. Palestine was a name for the geographic region, it was not the name of a national group. If you read through old newspapers, you'll find "Palestinian" was used of Jewish as well as Arab residents of the area. There was never a distinct Arab group called "Palestinians". The people we call Palestinians are just Arabs and they already have 22+ countries of their own. Meanwhile, Jews aren't even allowed to have 1 according to some of you. But go right ahead and invent history out of thin air. Welcome to 1984.

I take the point regarding the word country. The former Mandate Territory of Palestine had both Jewish and Arab 'citizens' who owned land and had homes. The territory is now very largely the state of Israel and it's former Arab 'citizens' are dispossessed. It really changes nothing.




The power lies hugely disproportionately on the Israeli side now, and it is the Palestinians and not the Israelis who are the real victims. It is they, after all, who have lost their country and who are now struggling for a homeland.

My understanding is that the Israeli govt position is and has been that the "right to return" exists but that the practicalities would be part of a final settlement. That settlement would clearly involve an acceptance of the existence of modern Israel. Which is the sticking point for Hamas as it was for the PLO. The refusal to politically accept the existence of Israel is what prevents all other progress. And is stupid and regressive.

It's a great pity that the original UN proposals were rejected by the regional govts (the Jewish side voted in favour) - leading to the 1948 war and the 'exodus'. The people living at that time in the region were badly let down by the govts of the Arab countries which invaded. But the notion of a Palestinian homeland is a first Cold War era invention. It is about personal land rights as opposed to national land rights - ie yes, some people lost their farms and villages as a result of the 1948 war - but a national people did not lose their national homeland. According to history.

It's a real pity because modern Israel has much going for it and shares so much common regional culture. Israel in concert with Egypt is also on the verge of becoming a significant energy exporter.

Interesting suff. The right of return is seen by Israel as a political claim only. There is no realistic possibility that any former Arab land will be vacated by Israelis and restored to its former owners with Israeli consent. There is no Palestinian agreement on precisely what the right to return might mean as an objective. I personally think that ultimately it will have to be seen as the right to a homeland with territorial integrity and full sovereignty, in compensation for the original territory that was lost. Hamas do not see it that way.

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Good speech from a Rabbi at a rally in Manchester.

So where's the proof he is as he appears? A get up such as he is wearing can be rented from most theatrical costumiers ant those Pe'at don't look right to me.

You really are bordering on insanity.

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I take the point regarding the word country. The former Mandate Territory of Palestine had both Jewish and Arab 'citizens' who owned land and had homes. The territory is now very largely the state of Israel and it's former Arab 'citizens' are dispossessed. It really changes nothing.


Actually, the territory is now largely the state of JORDAN.

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Lxxx tells me that I really am bordering on insanity. Perhaps so, but on the other hand when it comes to useful propaganda people and groups will go to all ends in order to create a perception. I would no ,more trust a Muslim criticising hamas than a rabbi criticising the IDF in this attack against terrorists.


In neither case would it be impossible, but in both cases it would be highly suspect.

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