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Is it time to leave?


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They've probably seen the writing on the wall


Russia is determined to force Britain out of the EU and forge integration with continental Europe, which is the main market for it's natural resources


The Tories & UKIP with their 'lets leave the EU' policies are falling into Putin's hands, and that's why his mates give the Tory Party embarrassing amounts of cash

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They've probably seen the writing on the wall


Russia is determined to force Britain out of the EU and forge integration with continental Europe, which is the main market for it's natural resources


The Tories & UKIP with their 'lets leave the EU' policies are falling into Putin's hands, and that's why his mates give the Tory Party embarrassing amounts of cash


No agenda other than that I'm genuinely curious to know more ... can you explain in a bit more detail, or give a reference?

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They've probably seen the writing on the wall


Russia is determined to force Britain out of the EU and forge integration with continental Europe, which is the main market for it's natural resources


The Tories & UKIP with their 'lets leave the EU' policies are falling into Putin's hands, and that's why his mates give the Tory Party embarrassing amounts of cash


No agenda other than that I'm genuinely curious to know more ... can you explain in a bit more detail, or give a reference?


Even if it is guesswork it's reasonable to assume. Russia's old enemies have always been the US/UK, whether what is happening is by design or by circumstance either way the Russian bear would most approve.

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Think this is mostly my own view of what's going on - can't find specific references to it, but it makes sense to me as an objective for the Russians


I'd be in favour of Russia joining the EU anyway so really it's down to whose terms this happens on - those of the West or those of Russia


China's expansion of it's railway systems to Europe will probably push Russia closer to the EU n the end

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@ Donald. It's a conspiracy theory too far for me, but actually it might be a good hedge against Islamification if the Russians were stirring the pot. Trouble is though, the bigger you get, the more likely becomes internal collapse, as with all empires. As a basis for giving the EU overlords and the liberal elite something to think about, I'm mischievously in favour!

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The EU is just designed to suppress Europe and let Germany flourish.


Look at the euro, the only country that is really doing well is Germany the rest of Europe has flat lined.


At least when the countries had their own currency they could manoeuvre out of recession now they have to take massive pay outs to enslave the nation into debt it can never pay back.


And where does the money come from? that's right Germany.

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Germans are savers, didn't fall for the property bubble bullshit, and manufacture things and export.


The rest of Europe are pretty much net importers of other people's goods, mortgaged to the hilt, spendthrift, and expect a lot in return for little effort.


That's the reality of the Euro, along with a group of poor economies that lied their way in.

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Germans are savers, didn't fall for the property bubble bullshit, and manufacture things and export.


The rest of Europe are pretty much net importers of other people's goods, mortgaged to the hilt, spendthrift, and expect a lot in return for little effort.


That's the reality of the Euro, along with a group of poor economies that lied their way in.


Some of the world's weakest economies have positive balance of trade - i.e. a trade surplus.


Poor and strong national economies sharing the same currency is no different from poor and strong regional economies sharing the same currency - e.g. Liverpool and London.


You need to make a distinction between effort and productivity. According to this item at The Atlantic, Greece is one of the hardest working advanced countries in the world. Meanwhile according to this piece at The Telegraph, UK productivity is dismal.


The success of the German economy is very much connected to productivity - a legacy of the West German economy which was funded by the USA.

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