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The United States of Thirdworldcountryland.


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Over 300000 people are at risk of losing access to water and need outside help. No, this isn't Africa, or Gaza...this is DETROIT!


There's now a website where you can pay someone's water bill in Detroit so they don't get cut off. This is third world water aid stuff. Unreal. A country that can waste trillions on unnecessary wars can't make sure its own people have access to water.






Something very very wrong there.

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The question is, how did Detroit get this way? Two words: socialism and globalism (both part of the same neo-trotskyite agenda to de-industrialise the west [thirdworldisation]). Black riots in the 1960s, successive race-baiting Democrat administrations, and too-powerful unions in the the city chased away the type of residents who create businesses and jobs. They didn't have enough of a diversified economy to withstand the loss of the automobile industry. They also had a corrupt government which was too big and which raised taxes to pay for it all, which chased even more people away until they finally were left with a big government and nobody left to pay the taxes to sustain it. Welcome to the Isle of Man circa 2040.


ETA: Here's an informative documentary:


Bankrupt – How Cronyism and Corruption Brought Down Detroit

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This is third world water aid stuff. Unreal. A country that can waste trillions on unnecessary wars can't make sure its own people have access to water.


No, it isn't third world water aid stuff at all. Unlike many parts of Africa there's plenty of clean, safe water in Detroit and there is universal access to it. This is about people failing to pay their water bills. If they can prove they are unable to pay they won't have their supply curtailed. If they are able to pay then they should.

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One of the many sites about US water costs


A USA TODAY survey of 100 municipalities found residential water bills in at least one in four places have doubled in the past 12 years:'

The article says "Monthly costs topped $50 for consumers in Atlanta, Seattle and San Diego who used 1,000 cubic feet of water, a typical residential consumption level in many areas."


So as I paid £450 in water rates last year it's cheaper than the IOM at $600 a year (£375). Sadly whilst this does concern me I won't be making a donation as you're just making a donation to the water company that is ripping off its consumers. You're not donating to the individual other than to allow them to pay off their rip off water bill without having to go to court. This is what happens when you let government get out of control, and then assets are sold off to "raise cash" to be spent on government workers pensions and pay, and then private companies rip off the consumers even more than the governments rabid institutional incompetence ripped them off. This isn't Africa, there's plenty of water around, but just for those who are prepared to pay top dollar for it.

This is why the whole system on this rock needs to be curtailed ASAP as governments just don't know when to stop.

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Things are so bad in the USA, some states are restricting property owners from diverting water that falls on their own homes.


Collecting Rainwater Now Illegal In Many States As Big Government Claims Ownership Over Our Water. http://peakwater.org/2011/03/collecting-rainwater-now-illegal-in-many-states-as-big-government-claims-ownership-over-our-water/


Utah news reports that collecting/using rainwater is ILLEGAL.



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