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the summer press is loving the frisson and extra sales generated by imagining a profusely sweating brown gentleman dripping through Heathrow


Summer press, winter press. Same press. Surprised they are not blaming Putin.

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the summer press is loving the frisson and extra sales generated by imagining a profusely sweating brown gentleman dripping through Heathrow

Summer press, winter press. Same press. Surprised they are not blaming Putin.

There's still time yet.

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Apparently, there has always been a danger of Ebola breaking-out, the prevalence of Bush Meat on sale in the UK means a risk is ever-present.




Who give's a monkey's? Border security? They're 'avin' a giraffe!

article mentions Ridley Rd market in E London , I was involved in the seizure of over 2 tons of meat from there back in the late 60's (unfit for human consumption and not having a "grading" or "inspected and passed as fit for consumption" stamp ).


Perhaps more severe penalties for importing foodstuffs , as I'm told they have in Australia, would be a good idea , retrain a few 'sniffer' dogs perhaps?

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It's a simple but very effective little virus. It invades your cells and liquefies them progressively until ultimately you lie there in agony while your broken down innards ooze from every orifice as blood, bile and faeces. It isn't at all pleasant.

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It's a simple but very effective little virus. It invades your cells and liquefies them progressively until ultimately you lie there in agony while your broken down innards ooze from every orifice as blood, bile and faeces. It isn't at all pleasant.

I get those symptoms reading TJ's posts.
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Not really. If I get infected I get infected. No point in worrying about things that may never happen

I agree. In fact, if it proves to be a real prospect, I'll be quite optimistic about a decrease in the world's excess population.

As long as it infects the Houses of Parliament, Brussels and other centres for the world's parasites first.

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if it proves to be a real prospect, I'll be quite optimistic about a decrease in the world's excess population.

Over-population is a myth backed by made up science and subjective reporting. And what went wrong with science that humans no longer believe in their ability to engineer solutions (so people worry about the possibility of rising sea levels instead of imagining wonderfully engineered solutions) ? We'd be much closer to colonising space by now if people hadn't given up on that as an idea.


Notice also that when people talk about there being too many of us, they always mean everyone else is the problem.

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if it proves to be a real prospect, I'll be quite optimistic about a decrease in the world's excess population.

Over-population is a myth backed by made up science and subjective reporting. And what went wrong with science that humans no longer believe in their ability to engineer solutions (so people worry about the possibility of rising sea levels instead of imagining wonderfully engineered solutions) ? We'd be much closer to colonising space by now if people hadn't given up on that as an idea.


Notice also that when people talk about there being too many of us, they always mean everyone else is the problem.


Yes, I'm sure we could fit another 10 billion on the planet if we all live like sardines and destroy what's left of the countryside, but thanks very much but you can do all that bullshit somewhere else and not on this island. This island is already overpopulated. You can't go anywhere on it, even in the countryside, without bumping into other human beings FFS -- and you'll be lucky if any of them are Manx. Will you not be happy until the entire island is one big ugly housing estate?

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This island is already overpopulated. You can't go anywhere on it, even in the countryside, without bumping into other human beings FFS -- and you'll be lucky if any of them are Manx.

You referenced world population not IOM population. You you welcomed the so called Ebola virus as a counter to over-population which is an imagined problem. There is no objective measure of correct population density. The implication now seems to be that you welcome the virus as a solution to too many non Manx living on the IOM. Which is daffy.


Humans are all about innovating and engineering brilliant solutions. Population increase is an inevitable outcome of progress. The same as bees swarm our destiny is to colonise.

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I am talking about both the Isle of Man and the world. The world has densely overpopulated areas. Now, sure, if people moved out of those areas and back into the countryside, maybe there would be less of a problem, but thanks to capitalism people have been forced out of the countryside and into the cities. Also, poverty, lack of education and adherence to nonsensical religion in the third world is causing people to have too many children when you assess it based on their ability to feed and shelter theme. If you think a city like Mumbai is not overpopulated beyond what is reasonable then you're insane.

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