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Well we're going to avoid buying some fresh produce imported from anywhere in Africa, things such as green beans for example. We're also going to use alcohol hand wipes after shopping because it now appears that the virus can be expressed in sweat and can remain viable for days. Possibly unnecessary but better safe than sorry.

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Well we're going to avoid buying some fresh produce imported from anywhere in Africa, things such as green beans for example.

British Isles green beans are in season ATM. And for the rest of the year there is frozen. Frozen green beans are great as an ingredient or in salads etc.

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Well we're going to avoid buying some fresh produce imported from anywhere in Africa, things such as green beans for example.

British Isles green beans are in season ATM. And for the rest of the year there is frozen. Frozen green beans are great as an ingredient or in salads etc.
Supermarket veg sometimes comes from all over.
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Well we're going to avoid buying some fresh produce imported from anywhere in Africa, things such as green beans for example.

British Isles green beans are in season ATM. And for the rest of the year there is frozen. Frozen green beans are great as an ingredient or in salads etc.

But supermarket veg can come from all over the world.
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Well we're going to avoid buying some fresh produce imported from anywhere in Africa

Go back to Alabama, racist.

Not at all. It seems that the virus can be expressed is perspiration and remain live for several days and so it is possible for fresh veg which is flown from where it is grown that virus might still be viable when it gets on supermarket shelves. Ebola is spreading, there's a two to three week incubation period, and so there is a possibility, albeit remote, that until this outbreak is brought under control live virus might get here.


If you were serious in your accusation of racism on my part then maybe you might ask if looking for racism everywhere is a form of racism in itself on your part?

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if it proves to be a real prospect, I'll be quite optimistic about a decrease in the world's excess population.

Over-population is a myth backed by made up science and subjective reporting.

What are you talking about? Less than a billion in 1900 and just over 100 years later more than 7 billion and increasing exponentially. The current trajectory will lead to even more conflict over land and natural resources with consequent suffering. That is undesirable and more to the point unsustainable. You are surely not pretending otherwise? The world would be far better with 30% of its current human population.

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Over-population is a myth backed by made up science and subjective reporting.

What are you talking about? Less than a billion in 1900 and just over 100 years later more than 7 billion and increasing exponentially. The current trajectory will lead to even more conflict over land and natural resources with consequent suffering.


There is plenty more space. Move down the carriage !


Throughout history and back into ancient times people have worried about over-population. And whilst there are places which seem to many to be full, most of the planet is still very sparsely populated.


Over-consumption and the poor distribution of living resources is the issue. Not over-population. Science, agriculture, economics and engineering should be focused on providing living solutions which make life better. But that will never happen unless humans start being very much more optimistic again. Today everyone seems obsessed with how dreadful things seem - and the internet is amplifying that destructive pessimism.


It's very sad the loss of faith in science to provide bright solutions. Even as late as the early 1970s we were still promised a technological future - in space and in underwater cities eating super foods grown in tanks. It's a pity that so much of the research money seems to have been diverted into doom-mongering.

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