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Maybe it's me but I really don't find a single thing amusing about Ebola.

It's you.

Then I am not in the least bit concerned that it is.


I can appreciate 'gallows humour' with the best, but in the case of this dreadful disease and what it is doing to people who for the most part are already living under very hard conditions not to mention the quite literally self sacrificing people who are trying to be some help ---- no, sorry, as I wrote I can't see anything in the least bit funny.

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I can appreciate 'gallows humour' with the best, but in the case of this dreadful disease and what it is doing to people who for the most part are already living under very hard conditions not to mention the quite literally self sacrificing people who are trying to be some help ---- no, sorry, as I wrote I can't see anything in the least bit funny.


So what you, a Christian, are saying is that you find God's will unamusing. Would you even go so far as to say His will is unkind?

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I can appreciate 'gallows humour' with the best, but in the case of this dreadful disease and what it is doing to people who for the most part are already living under very hard conditions not to mention the quite literally self sacrificing people who are trying to be some help ---- no, sorry, as I wrote I can't see anything in the least bit funny.

So what you, a Christian, are saying is that you find God's will unamusing. Would you even go so far as to say His will is unkind?

What I believe has nothing to do with finding people who find something funny about others dying from a horrible disease beneath contempt.
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  • 1 month later...

A different spin on the so called outbreak of Ebola in Liberia, where a doctor and many locals doubt they even have any Ebola cases. The Liberian government has banned the consumption of "Bush Meat" monkeys, bats, and a form of rodent, but this poses an interesting question, how would Ebola spread to the West if we don't eat Bush Meat? Perhaps the 3,000 troops Obama is sending to Liberal can "Shock and Awe" the monkeys and bats to death.


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Bird flu pig flu AIDS now ebola


Remember the old rabies adverts that said you were evil if you took your dog on holiday to Europe


Now we are all buddies and rabies has been forgotten about, presumably because the political benefit of scaremongering about Europe is not on the current agenda.


Now the US need to invade Africa and nick all their goodies...........enter ebola...................how convenient

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Bird flu pig flu AIDS now ebola


Remember the old rabies adverts that said you were evil if you took your dog on holiday to Europe


Now we are all buddies and rabies has been forgotten about, presumably because the political benefit of scaremongering about Europe is not on the current agenda.


Now the US need to invade Africa and nick all their goodies...........enter ebola...................how convenient


Actually, rabies hasn't been forgotten. If you take your dog to Europe it requires a 'passport', which is actually a certificate by a vet that the animal has had certain vaccinations and treatments, including a rabies vaccination within the required timescale. That has been in force for many years now, and the UK remains free of rabies.


I assume you aren't being serious in your last sentence. Ebola was first discovered in the early 1970's near the river of the same name in what is now the DRC. That being the case, the US have been rather slow off the mark! I take the offers of humanitarian assistance by the US at face value, personally.

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