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I assume you aren't being serious in your last sentence. Ebola was first discovered in the early 1970's near the river of the same name in what is now the DRC. That being the case, the US have been rather slow off the mark! I take the offers of humanitarian assistance by the US at face value, personally.


I assume you have not tried to do business with Americans or had dealings with the US "Authorities"


Watch hustle and US hustle. look up the top 10 shakedowns (con tricks) yankee style then tell me again you imagine them giving "humanitarian assistance".


Remember Dutch troops throwing sweets into minefields for Bosnian children to fetch? American "assitance" will be like Dr Shipman on steroids, anybody sneezing is likely to be shot and flamethrowered.

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Why dont the dope heads on here, who are always spouting that weed is the cure of all illnesses go to the outbreak area i n Africaand offer to help the infected with nothing more than a bag of weed? Any offers? Thought not


What a strange post. What are you smoking?


Sam Cam's knickers?

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A couple of salient points from the article you link, Truth Seeker.

"The new loan would be interest free, and would be in addition to IMF funds the countries already receive, the organization said today at a briefing in Washington.

The governments of the three countries have requested additional IMF support to help cover the acute financing needs they are facing as a result of the outbreak,”

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Yeah the IMF giving loans to people who cannot hope to repay to combat a "disease" they may not have - marvellousermm.gif


Do the IMF do that to "finance" capital projects that either do not work at all or are unsuitable as well as the costs are wildly inflated - does that sound familiar?

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Bird flu pig flu AIDS now ebola


Remember the old rabies adverts that said you were evil if you took your dog on holiday to Europe


Now we are all buddies and rabies has been forgotten about, presumably because the political benefit of scaremongering about Europe is not on the current agenda.


Now the US need to invade Africa and nick all their goodies...........enter ebola...................how convenient


Actually, rabies hasn't been forgotten. If you take your dog to Europe it requires a 'passport', which is actually a certificate by a vet that the animal has had certain vaccinations and treatments, including a rabies vaccination within the required timescale. That has been in force for many years now, and the UK remains free of rabies.


I assume you aren't being serious in your last sentence. Ebola was first discovered in the early 1970's near the river of the same name in what is now the DRC. That being the case, the US have been rather slow off the mark! I take the offers of humanitarian assistance by the US at face value, personally.



'Humanitarian' and 'US' in the same sentence?

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Run for your lives the IMF are here to "assist" and they are backed up by the US military also to "assist"


The narrative and paperwork is undoubtedly in order because they have their stooges in key positions.



.... and I have just heard on the news that the British Army are going to Sierra Leone to build a hospital. Bastards.

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A couple of salient points from the article you link, Truth Seeker.

"The new loan would be interest free, and would be in addition to IMF funds the countries already receive, the organization said today at a briefing in Washington.

The governments of the three countries have requested additional IMF support to help cover the acute financing needs they are facing as a result of the outbreak,”



So that's at least three new palaces being built then.

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Run for your lives the IMF are here to "assist" and they are backed up by the US military also to "assist"


The narrative and paperwork is undoubtedly in order because they have their stooges in key positions.



.... and I have just heard on the news that the British Army are going to Sierra Leone to build a hospital. Bastards.


Every self respecting hospital is built by heavily armed squaddies with armoured personnel carriers moving the bricks around, must have missed that when they built Nobles


They must not have building firms in Africa then - thanks for keeping me informed

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