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Saudi Arabia - apartheid state we dare not criticise

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The worst thing, in my book, is how the average Joe can conveniently label several million people with the same characteristics. I can tell you, that a bedouin arab is far removed from the city dwellers who feed on greed. In the same way (to a point) that an investment banker in London with a 250k bonus per year is far removed from a Dales farmworker.

I have sat in the sand with numerous saudis and seen nothing but astounding manners, honour and tolerance. In fact, they were far more accepting of me as a Christian than as an atheist 9which I am in reality).

Like all beliefs, the radical extremists cause the grief for everyone, even if they are a minority.


>I have sat in the sand with numerous Saudis and seen nothing but astounding manners, honour and tolerance.




Extract from Colonel Tim Collins speech prior to the 2003 invasion of Iraq.


"It is the site of the Garden of Eden, of the Great Flood and the birthplace of Abraham. Tread lightly there.

You will see things that no man could pay to see

- and you will have to go a long way to find a more decent, generous and upright people than the Iraqis.

You will be embarrassed by their hospitality even though they have nothing.

Don't treat them as refugees for they are in their own country."


I have lived and worked with Iraqis and have nothing but praise for the ones that shared my world.


No Nation is evil, only some who inhabit it.



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