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Thousands of non-Muslims trapped on mountains and forced to choose between starving to death and slaughter by ISIS fanatics

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TJ and Wooley are you trying to suggest that the Internet is not used to radicalise people?


I suspect that the process will be that a radical will befriend someone rhen guide them to particular activities which will undoubtedly include video and websites uploaded and controlled by USIS.


This will happen much in the same way that people on here link to videos on YouTube as a method of supporting their views.


The Internet is very powerful. It allows messages and news to be spread quickly and with limited control from anyone else.

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I think one-sided BBC news coverage radicalises people.


Ok, which mainstream (i.e. not conspiracytheorist.com, etc.) news agencies can one trust then?


I have found it quite amusing that you have recently been citing The Daily Mail given their well known anti-Semitic actions pre WWII.

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Come on Chinahand, surely you could do better than that list?


To start with I referred to the teaching of Jesus so that rules out Pauls letters, similarly Acts deals with Luke's observations of what took place after Jesus ascended to heaven and what Paul got up to. It does NOT report on the actual teachings of Jesus.


Secondly and much more importantly to take those verses in isolation completely distorts the message. In EVERY case the verses are metaphorical. Jesus frequently used metaphors and parables to make his message clear for what were a mostly a, let us say non-academic public audience.


At the very least I would have expected you of all people to have researched the material before offering it. Even if just making reference to the full chapter would have clearly shown that metaphor was being used.


I fancy that rather than having a deep knowledge of the Bible and especially about the ministries of Christ and so making a first person reply you have probably cut and pasted from one of the many sites that claim to show that the teachings of Christ promote violence when in reality such simply is not so.


I am also well aware that many of these sites originate from people who are apologists for Islam's direct demands for violence to be employed and who are trying to downplay this disgusting thing by attempting to show that Christianity is no better.


It's a shame that the greatest enemy of Christianity is ignorance. It is what evil from other false religions feed on in order to mask the truth.


Now this is a subject that I could (and have!) 'gone on' about interminably but I really don't want to here as it's in danger of diverting attention from the issue here.

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Facts? LOL. It's just been taken over by a load of trendy liberals straight from uni and peace marches. You are surely not pretending it is objective? When you watch it you can feel the manipulation like a massage.


Many pro-Israelis say that the BBC coverage is pro-Hamas. Many anti-Israelis say that the coverage is pro-Israel. That makes me think that the coverage is probably attempting as best as possible to be objective. If you are on the left, everything else probably looks like the right. And vice versa.


Personally I don't like any TV news because it is all stupidly formulaic - plus the OTT dramatic music, daft graphics etc. But I sort of agree with you about the manipulation. Certainly with respect to deciding what even is news. There is a tradition which goes back to the newspapers in which news drives national agendas - setting the big public conversations. I hate that because it is akin to telling people what to think and what to think about. Thanks to 24 hour TV news today the news often is the news.

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Personally I don't like any TV news because it is all stupidly formulaic - plus the OTT dramatic music, daft graphics etc.


And especially the abominable ticker tape text scrolling past constantly on the bottom, regurgitating the same little soundbites again and again and again and agaaaaargh! I hate that!

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Facts? LOL. It's just been taken over by a load of trendy liberals straight from uni and peace marches. You are surely not pretending it is objective? When you watch it you can feel the manipulation like a massage.


Many pro-Israelis say that the BBC coverage is pro-Hamas. Many anti-Israelis say that the coverage is pro-Israel. That makes me think that the coverage is probably attempting as best as possible to be objective. If you are on the left, everything else probably looks like the right. And vice versa.


Personally I don't like any TV news because it is all stupidly formulaic - plus the OTT dramatic music, daft graphics etc. But I sort of agree with you about the manipulation. Certainly with respect to deciding what even is news. There is a tradition which goes back to the newspapers in which news drives national agendas - setting the big public conversations. I hate that because it is akin to telling people what to think and what to think about. Thanks to 24 hour TV news today the news often is the news.

Gadzooks. I agree with a lot of that post but if you are canny enough to see they are trying to tell you what to think and about what to think it, then I don't really understand how you could accept at face value anyone saying they genuinely believe the BBC is pro-Israel.

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Personally I don't like any TV news because it is all stupidly formulaic - plus the OTT dramatic music, daft graphics etc.

And especially the abominable ticker tape text scrolling past constantly on the bottom, regurgitating the same little soundbites again and again and again and agaaaaargh! I hate that!


It's really dumb the news have theme tunes.

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I don't .. understand how you could accept .. anyone saying they .. believe the BBC is pro-Israel.


I do not believe that the BBC is pro-Israel. I do not believe that the BBC is anti-Israel.


What do you mean by "accept" ?

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Aunty Beeb has to have "balanced" reporting. However these days the majority of folks rely pretty much exclusively on tv to keep themselves informed. Pretty much all just snippets and sound bites. You have to read a decent newspaper to get background, depth, alternative viewpoints and so forth. Unfortunately the UK press is predominantly right wing and tends to carry the views, politics, whatever of the proprietor.


We get the I, the Grauniad and Private Eye so I should think our take on the ISIS insurgency is worlds apart from, say, a Daily Wail reader with the exclusively telly so-called informed very much bringing up the rear.

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